Notes concerning sale offers in H&R forum

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Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Okay, here's the deal - -

Handloading and Reloading being a pretty specialized forum, it has been policy to allow sales of components and loading tools within this forum.

So long as this policy is not abused, it will continue. At the same time, such threads will be administered just as in the Buy, Sell, Trade forums. Standard B/S/T rules will apply here as well. This is a comprehensive set of rules, posted by Staffer Shane Tuttle.
Take a few minutes and read them. If you want to sell stuff here, it is worth your time. If you break the rules, your thread will simply disappear, and you may well be penalized.

In that regard, please take special notice of the part about - - -
We are getting tired of having to delete posts where members argue about the high price of the item for sale, or otherwise "crap" in the thread. That type of action is strictly against our rules.

From this point on, any member who does that will receive a 7 day ban for the first offense. That will happen whether you have read this thread or not, and that will happen whether you are joking or not.

Thanks for your coopeeration.
Johnny Guest
TFL Staff
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