Not what I fought for

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Well, I"ve only been on the "Firing Line" for a few weeks.

So far I've been warned by Firiig Line NET Nannies in posts, and official letters, that certain topics are off limits.

I have been accused of name calling, which I have not done. Telling someone they are ignorant of the facts is NOT name calling contrary to what you may think.

I've had material taken out of my posts and replaced with the phrase "not necessary political rant".

I did not spend 30 years in the army defending the Constitution and the right to free speech to be censored in a gun forum.
Rules are posted and apply to everyone. No need to be rude. Accept the warnings and let's go forward. We all get carried away at times. Rules are there for a reason. This is a good forum. Please stay.
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I do hope you stay, contribute, and learn.
I frequent this site mainly because politics, bickering, and personal attacks are not tolerated. Its a great site with many talented members, and good mods.
Rules are to keep things civil and apply to everyone in here. This is not a public venue, and you agreed to the rules when you signed up. We all have our soapbox issues and can get carried away in heated discussions at times. This is a great place. Rather than telling people they are ignorant of facts, try providing data, links and references, to support the facts. Part of our freedoms is our free economy and your ability to choose a different venue if you don't like the one you are using. I would encourage you to stay though. And thank you for your service!
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I did not spend 30 years in the army defending the Constitution and the right to free speech to be censored in a gun forum.

You don't have a 'right to free speech' on somebody else's property. TFL is NOT your property.

YOU agreed to abide by the rules of the forum when you signed up.

I have read, and agree to abide by the The Firing Line Forums rules.

Surely, after 30 years in the military, you don't have a problem following lots of rules.
I appreciate and respect the fact you served in uniform. However, you have been provided a rebuttal in private. If you want to take issue with something, you know in the military that you gripe up the chain of command, not to all of your peers.

I have reviewed the private message sent to you by another Staff member. And I stand by his rebuttal. If you feel you need to discuss it further, please take it to PM.

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