Not So Instant Background Checks?


New member
I was in my favorite gun shop today. I only went to get a box of bullets, but things happen. They had a sale on and I finally gave in to a long time desire for a small auto for carry during the hot, sticky, T-shirt and shorts summer weather we have here.
Being a 1911 fan, I got it's little brother, A Colt Mustang.
Here's the thing. Did the paperwork and the NICS background check was called in. The check was delayed due to a back up. I made the purchase at about 11:00 am. The check finally cleared at about 3:00pm and I picked up the gun.
The sales guy told me that some people who bought guns yesterday had to wait until today to get them because of the overload on the system. I know this is a major improvement over the old 15 day wait we used to have, but I was just curious if any others have run into this problem?
I was in a local police equiptment supply store about 4:30 Friday. A young recruit from a nearby suburb came in to pick up his new pistol for work. NICS was called only to be hit with "delayed" the kid was in a panic. Funny to me that next Monday will be his first day on the job and he will start with a borrowed pistol because the system has already failed him from the start.
This is only the tip of the iceberg......
Seems to me that every time another law gets passed, people run to the stores to get 'em while they still can.

BTW, AK-47 and AR-15 sales are still brisk... might be a good time to buy, if you haven't got one yet.
Your experience seems to be pretty common. Basically, no one knows if his or her purchase will or will not be "instant." Sometimes the check is delayed due to heavy system traffic. Sometimes it's due to confusing the applicant with someone having the same name and a criminal record, especially for common names. There may be other reasons for delays as well. But I gather that delays are only rarely due to a problem with the actual applicant himself or herself.
How about this: in the grand state of Kalifornia, ALL guns require a 11 day waiting period, even long guns, and Curios & Relics. If you're poor like me, and you put a gun on layaway for say 60 days, you don't start the 11 day waiting period until the gun is fully paid for. Other than making things more difficult, what's the purpose.

It goes to show that these "compromises" are just pigs in a dress.