Not quite "Shall Issue" ??

This question is local to Lane County, Oregon, but I wonder how many other counties/states do this?

Specifically, I recently completed NRA training for Home Defense/Handgun safety. Upon completion, I was going to apply for a CCW permit here in Eugene, Oregon (Lane County) only to find page two of the form requires 2 character references! Only being a resident for six months, I do not know anyone that will provide these. As I understood it, Oregon was "shall issue" and upon completion of an approved safety course I was qualified to apply for the license and that was that.

I have been around guns for years, NRA for some time, my father is a retired police officer, and I am very safety and legal consciencious, thank you. What gives? Are any other jurisdictions playing funny and requiring references in addition to completing safety training? Am I just assuming incorrectly and most, if not all CCW permits require references? Seems punitive to me. :( Comments appreciated.
I was going to apply for a CCW permit here in Eugene, Oregon (Lane County) only to find page two of the form requires 2 character references! Only being a resident for six months, I do not know anyone that will provide these.

Does the form say that they have to be "local references"? If not then have several of your "old" friends provide a reference for you.
This was my experience in PA.

PA is a "shall issue" state and also requires two references. I havn't lived there since I left college (I'm in the Marines now) but I put down a local friend and one who now lives in MA. They sent an approval letter in the mail two days later and neither one of my friends said they were contacted. I guess things may be a little easier in PA as they didn't require firearms safety training either.
Gotta be local

I'm looking at the form you referenced, and it says "Your references should be over 21, Lane County residents and not related or living with you."

Of course, you already know that, since you have the form, but now everyone responding will know the requirements too.

Obviously (at least to me anyway), you probably don't want to ask non-shooting people to be references, as they generally have the perception that anyone who carries concealed is a nut-job just looking to shoot someone.

Oh, and for everyone else, for Lane County the references must print their name, address and telephone number as well as sign and date the form. So it's not enough to just list someone that they might or might not contact, you have to actively ask someone to sign the form.

One other thing Frank. When you go down to the courthouse they'll ask for your employer's name. So it's a good idea to let your boss know what you're up to. If your boss isn't a total anti, you can simply let them know that it's technically illegal to carry your guns in the closed case in the back seat of your car when you go up to the local logging landing to plink at tin cans and such. An even better statement when you have a pickup (don't want them riding in the bed of the truck) or a hatchback (no trunk). And being the good, upstanding citizen that you are, you don't want to break any laws at all as you go to enjoy your recreational plinking. :-)
What about the NRA folks? Are they local to your county? The instructor there could be one of your references if they meet the requirements. Think about it, they already know you're safety conscious (you took their safety class) and they're obviously not gonna be spooked by having to be a reference for your permit.