Not Overly Impressed with 9mm PMP


New member
I recently purchased 1,000 rounds of 9mm PMP and had a chance to fire some of it yesterday. All in all, it goes "bang" when I pull the trigger, but that's about all I can say for it. The stuff seemed extremely dirty and did not produce very good accuracy in my Hi-Power. Seems like Winchester 115 gr. "white box" works a lot better. Any of you guys notice the same dirtiness and inaccuracy with PMP? Just curious if this was an isolated incident, just me/my gun, or a trait of PMP stuff.

Oh well. At least I've got some cheap "blasting" ammo and will have reloadable brass when I'm finished.
I've shot a ton of the PMP 9mm stuff through an MP5A3, it is definitely dirty, has lots of muzzle flash, and accuracy was nothing to brag about. I've never shot it through a pistol though.

I've shot an equal amount of the PMP .45 with an M1 Thompson and several pistols and found it about the same as the 9mm, dirty, lots of muzzle flash, and below average accuracy.

[Edited by Rex Feral on 01-28-2001 at 04:03 PM]
I shoot PMP for practice exclusively through my Smith 5906 duty gun. The accuracy is acceptable for the combat distances I shoot at. There is no doubt it is quite dirty but for the price I will happily clean my pistol.
Hello. Yes, I find it dirty, but have consistently gotten better groups with it than S&B from my HPs. The most I've fired at any one time before cleaning was perhaps 250 rnds and I experienced no problems from it, so I don't see the problem in it's being "dirty." Even with a light fouling load, I'd have cleaned my guns had I fired but 50 rounds so "dirty" don't bother me. Accuracy does concern me and so long as PMP groups better than S&B (for me anyway), I'll use it when I'm too lazy to handload. Best.
I got an impression that it's not loaded hot, to say
the least, but this ammo was exceptionally accurate
in my CZ-75. In general, I like it for target practice.
Hello. No, it's not hot at all, at least not the 115 gr ball loads I've tried. Out of a HP, they average 1125 ft/sec and out of the CZ75, 1106 ft/sec. (I find this a bit odd in that practically every other load I've chronographed gets just a few feet per second more from the CZ.) Best.
Actually, I did forget to mention that I had quite a few failures to feed properly with the PMP. I attributed this to the new South African 17 rnd. mag. I was using, but maybe the PMP stuff wasn't pushing the slide all the way to the back. Quite a few times it picked up the cartridge but did not have enough "umph" to slide the extractor over the rim and lock up the action. I had never had this problem before.

Next time, I'll try shooting it out of my factory 13 rnd. mag. exclusively and see what happens.
I guess that I must have gotten a bad lot. So far, it has not reliably cycled in both a P7 and a CZ-75. I think I will get a sub-powered spring for the CZ just so that I can get some use out of it. I really wish it would work, then all I would have to complain about would be the dirtiness!
South Africa is a third-world country. In the last ten years things have gotten very bad and will get worse before they get better. Friends there want US or Fiocchi ammo NOT the home-grown stuff. One final thought; who will you sue if this stuff damages your thousand dollar pistol?