"...not in Kansas anymore, Toto."

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New member
Fortuity to All!

It took a couple of passes through this neck of cyberspace before I figured out that I'd not somehow corrupted my "Favorites" TFL file and had zapped myself to either Oz or the Lawn & Garden Forum. Nice facelift TFL! Can't wait to poke around to see what changes in functionality have been implemented, also.

Looks like I'm back on line, at least a couple of times a day, depending on how well I weather the strain of sitting in this armored trunk stabilizer. No doubt it'll take a couple of days to catch up on the plethora of new threads and tail-growth on the older ones.

I'd like to express my sincerest appreciation to each of you that took the time to contemplate and offer support to me during my surgery & recovery. Thanks for all the postings, emails, phone calls, cards, letters, flowers, gifts, women, ammo, lawyers, guns and money. You're a swell bunch of Netizens, and I'm proud to share bandwidth with each and every one of you.

Glad to see you back Mykl, hope the surgery was not in vain. All the best for a speedy recovery !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Welcome back Mykl , it's about time you got back here and stopped laying around,looking at all the nurses,flowers and all. It's really good to see you back. :) :D

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I would like to welcome you back also. But don't let all those gifts of flowers, women, ammo, guns, money etc go to your head :) Seriously, welcome back and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Welcome back Mykl...excellent recovery process. Don't do any dumb now, so you can do lots of dumb stuff sooner. ;) Take things easy and slow

I expect you to be movin' and shootin' by the time I get to Northern Virginia in April.... so don't waste too much time sitting in front of the keyboard.

Good to have ya back,


You Betcha! It's great to be able to agree with ALL the previous posts! Welcome "back".

er, that is... Glad you're home from the horsepistol!
Mykl, yesterday I wrote in to ask iffn anybody had heard how you were doing and now you're back. Jest be careful and don't over do.

BTW, when are you guys that ransacked his gun safes gonna send my the .38Super Colt? :)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Welcome back, we can use a few more brains around here. Afraid I've misplaced mine and need you to take up the slack. :)
Mykl, welcome back! I can understand all of the other gifts, but ... you got women as well? For just a little ol' back surgery? :) Man, am I jealous.

Here's to your rapid, full recuperation.
Sure, he got women for having the surgery on his back, they just have to be returned prior to the time he can do anything. LOL :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum