Not for the Athiest..8)

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...but, here he is. Oh- Spartacus insists I am actually an agnostic. Oh, well. ;)

At the root of the gun control agenda, as with the sex education agenda and so many other liberal agendas, is a denial of our moral nature. And that denial of our moral nature rests ultimately on a denial of the existence of God and of a relationship between God and human things.
is humbug.

I do not believe in any concept known as "god". I do believe that it is vital that we live upright lives, guided by compassion for all men. I believe I am not the only atheist or agnostic in this forum to have this belief. I am not so easily swayed, as to be driven from my firm beliefs about the value of freedom, and the necessity of individual responsibility by a few wide-eyed and fanatical fools who just happened to get part of the answer right. I cannot vouch for many others, though. Would you reject the lesbian who supports your right to freedom from interference because of her "orientation"? Would you turn your back on the Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu who stood beside you in the picket line, waving a sign demanding that the moral reprobate in office step down? Perhaps, on the battlefield, one might demand that the pagan kneeling next to you leave the foxhole?

It is vital that we concentrate on the truly important things that unite us, not the ultimately petty things on which we do not necessarily find ultimate agreement. There can always be found some foolish excuse to argue, if one looks for it.

I would never be so brash as to think that what works best for me will work for everyone else; nor do I feel that any genuinely thoughtful person makes such assumptions of their own beliefs. We cannot afford intolerance of those who do god's work and call it something else. A rose by any other name smells as sweet.

Ultimately, this seems to come down to prejudice. Prejudice is driven by fear. Fear of what? Fear is not love. If any reader claims Christianity, let him remember that God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Let's use that darn mind.
I'm also getting a little tired of hearing how if I'm not afraid of God I won't be moral. What am I, a dog? I can be moral out of my own mind, thank you. Not everyone, not even most religious folks, needs a swat on the nose with a newspaper to know right from wrong.
It has been stated before, numerous times, this is not a board to debate the merits of religion.
I see this as intentionally inflammatory.

This is why we are losing our rights...this constant polarization of allies.

No more second chances, capishe?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
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