Not another wall penetration thread


New member
OK just curious. I have my first round coming out of my home defense gun, a glaser round, because if I pull my gun from where it is in the bedroom and the BG is there in point blank range , behind him is my kid bedrooms. After that first panic round I want to use standard JHP rounds for my 9mm, so what should I go with....I have been using JHP standard pressure but should I go with 115 or 147 weight. Is the heavier bullet less likely to penetrate through walls or visa versa. I have studed drywall, damn new construction.
Well I guess the moral of the story is when even frangibles can pass thru a few layers of sheetrock....does it real matter??? I just shoot straight and hope of the best. I love the metal door test. A .32 round from a Kel-Tec, It actually overpenetrated higher than any other round, thru a metal door and plywood, while other rounds including 00 buck shot stopped in the plywood. And people actually think somehow a .32 or a .22 will underpenetrate and bounce off clothing like it's kevlar. Thanks Springmom.
A true AD and penetration story. Quite a few years ago in a moment of severe stupidity, lapse of caution and violation of the rule that says, "Keep your finger off of the trigger", I fired my 1911 in my front bedroom. Luckily no living thing was hurt but I can't say the same for my neighbors airconditioner (It was summer here in Fla}. The hardball round went through the wall, through the outside wall and proceeded to murder my neighbors new TRANE air conditioner (A necessity of life in this part of the world - especially for an elderly couple). This occurred at about midnight so the heat wasn't too bad. I offered to put them up in a hotel until I could fix the problem. At 4PM the following afternoon and $1650.00 later, they had a brand new unit. My faithful cat who follows me everywhere like a shadow, couldn't be found for several hours. Penetration is amazing. Had I fired that round in a slightly different direction it could have easily gone out of my house, into theirs and into one or both of them. A SOBERING AND FRIGHTENING THOUGHT!!!! An amusing side note, when I related the story at work one of my colleagues suggested that I file an insurance claim with the NRA as he thought they would cover it. My response was something to the effect, "ARE YOU CRAZY, do you think I am going to admit to the shooting world what I did?". Well after many years and in the interests of education - I am admitting it.
A P.S. to my previous thread. For home defense, I have always thought a 12 gauge shotgun with #6 birdshot, would be the best. While at close range the shot pattern is not very big, it is considerably bigger than a bullet and the birdshot will most probably not overpenetrate two layers of wallboard. Loaded, one in the chute and safety on, it too is single action.
tegemu said:
Well after many years and in the interests of education - I am admitting it.

Good for you! :) Admitting a mistake often takes great courage but it also denotes intelligence. In many ways, despite the embarrassment and expense, that experience might well save your own life one day. Experiences, even bad experiences, teach better than any other method because they become truly part of you, instead of mere intellectual exercise.
Admitting a mistake often takes great courage but it also denotes intelligence.
Well, in that case, did you know that Remington Golden Sabers in .45ACP will completely penetrate a ceiling and a roof? :) Just a little whoopsie on my first day with the USP45. :o
do you think I am going to admit to the shooting world what I did?". Well after many years and in the interests of education - I am admitting it.
I confess. After 35 yrs. of safe firearms ownership and shooting, it finally happened (10 yrs ago) :( . I had just put a new pair of grips on the .45 and was trying out the feel, when *BANG* :eek: . Only thing hurt was an interior wall, and... oh yeah, the bathtub drained a little quicker after that. It only lent truth to that old saying "familiarity breeds contempt".

Ya know folks, I bet there are a lot of people here that deny ever having an AD/ND, but if we hooked up a polygraph to 'em, it would be going *ding ding ding!* lots of times ;) .
An old tale of downrange shooting

Years ago, an ROTC cadet, told me that an Army sergeant had experimented at the .22 caliber rifle range, in the basement of the student cafeteria.
He fired an armor piercing round out of an M1.

Nobody is that stupid, I told him!

One day I was passing that building and I thought to inspect the target side of the building. Yes there was a patch in the building block, yes there was a hole on both sides of the gasoline station sign across the street, and probably that bullet did go through a window and into the wall of an office, downtown.
Deer hunting with my brothers I had a ND with a 30 30 Winchester Lever Action. Got to playing with the hammer and the trigger you know catching the Hammer with your thumb and Boom!:eek: . Never will forget it, even 22 years later.
Yep, me too - I found that 9mm golden saber will go though 3 layers of bathroom drywall and exit exterior USB without any problem.

Check the boxotruth for how effective sand fill in a drywall "wall" is in stopping penetration.