I was at a gun store today as I am every week. I didn't expect to get anything but lo and behold, I saw a brand new Glock 21 for $499. I already have a Ruger P-97 which I have not shot yet, but I just could not resist as this was the Glock I originally wanted but supposedly they were in severely short supply. I would like to get some factory 13 rd magazines for it, but then I did the math. Factory 10 rounders go about $20; factory 13 rounders go about $120. So for about a 30% increase in firepower, I pay an increase of 600%! Anyone know if they sell cheaper than that? And am I unusual or greedy for having 2 or more pistols (or rifle or shotgun for that matter) in the same caliber? If others on this board have 2 or more pistols or revolvers in the same caliber, what reasons led you to buy the 2nd one? Do you have specialized purposes for each? Thanks and have a great day.