Not about guns, but about freedom


New member
Our wonderful liberazi strike again. Time to re-read Brave New World (Aldous Huxley). <a href="">This</a> has got to be one of the most ludicrous, inane, insane... I'm so stunned I'm spluttering!

....note - the link has changed - I'll try to post hard copies from now on...

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 02-12-99).]

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 02-12-99).]
Morgan, i like you don't know what to say. i'm all for men and women getting along, but this is crazy. forced socialization(sp?). makes you wonder what else they're going to try to force upon us. next they'll be tellin' me who i can over at my house and who i can't. i really can't believe this is what my country has come to!!!

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 02-10-99).]
Sorry guys, but I am laughing so hard I can barely type.

"Wright said he and the trustees are prepared to weather the student and alumni opposition they expect from the decision"

"More than a third of the college's 4,300
undergraduates are members of 25 single-sex
fraternities and sororities."

"Wright said the trustees are prepared to spend ``tens of millions of dollars'' to change social and residential life. He said the college hopes to buy and refurbish fraternity and sorority houses, which are privately owned."

Don't forget, Dartmouth is a private university. You best not piss off the alumni. ;)
I think some folks may be looking for a new job soon

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Absurd. Re: the 'tens of millions of dollars', I'm sure you have all noticed that spending other peoples' money is so much easier than spending your own. ;)

It will be interesting to see if they can really shove this down everyone's throat. I doubt it as well, but then again, I never would have predicted Americans would so stupidly accept much of what we have seen in the last few years.

And, what shall we call the fraternities and sororities after the change? Personities? Coedities? Unisexities? I'm sure this will cut way down on the partying. ;)
They hazing that goes on during the the initiation I'll tell you know, that will lead to multiple sexual Harassment charges and probably some rape charges. you heard it here first.
Then they shut down the frat, then other school will use this to get rid of the greek system. its really to bad. the Greeks are cool. I'm not in a frat myself, but some of my friends are and they cool people

wait this is good. maybe I can get into a sorority and then live in the sorority house with a bunch of chicks. humm... this could be good. I'm gonna go find a lawyer and sue a sorority so I can get it. wish me luck

[This message has been edited by chink (edited 02-10-99).]
Okay, okay... Now some feminazi activist is going to try to get into a notoriously "Anti-women-members" frat and she'll no doubt be "sexual harrassed" and hazed and, as Chink mentioned, al; hell will break lose.

the same exact thing happened at VMI when they "allowed" women to enter the corps. A few chiquitas who had been whining about getting in tried and failed. Rather than sucking it up and admitting that they couldn't hack it, they whined some more.

This is a sore spot for me because I attended a military college. WE let Women enter the corps back in 1972 (hell, we even let the Navy ROTC program in back in 1986!). Some owmen show up and make it, and some don't. believe it or not, many years the retention rate for cadets that make it through what we call "Rook Training" is higher for women. My theory is that the women knwo what they are getting into. Since there is nothing to "prove" by attending Norwich as a woman, they only try if they really want to. OTOH, many male cadets have no clue what they are getting into and go home with their tail bewtween their legs, while females help them carry their gear to the bus.

Then again, I have seen how having women in the mix can dilute the overall value of the training. I was lucky that I got put into an All male company, nothing beats morale down more than to have one member of a unit get preferential treatment.. and reduced standards for women are just that.. preferential. Therefore, I hope that the women petitioning for membership in these fraternities have to funnel just as many beers and take just as many whacks with the paddle as the guys do...

Personally, I think men and women should have certain areas that are off-limits to one another. Men have those communal urinals under the bleachers at Rodeos and women have those couches in the rest rooms at fancy restaurants. Men have Freemasonry and Women have Mary Kay. Men have fart contests and women have... well whatever it is, I'm sure they have something[/.i]. God Bless America.

Ya need to try it! It's a gas!
First, go to Taco Bell, then....if you train hard and become a "true professional", you can develop policies just like the one being discussed.
... women have baby showers!
During WWII, the Germans had "baby-factories" for the "glory" of the Reich. Is this a step in that direction? A "sheeple" factory?
Rob, quit it. you're killin' me...fart's true, but it's been :)

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 02-12-99).]
I mean no disrespect, but some of us women would rather have the fart contests than the Mary Kay! :)

I'm with Q...never been to a Mary Kay and I loathe pink

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"