North Carolina CCW


New member
North Carolina CCW holders out there...
I currently reside in the sunny state of FL. I hold a permit from this state. I know there is no reciprocity, but do they give consideration that I already have a permit? Or do I have to go through the whole routine again..(fingerprints, passport photo, training, Notarizing documents...etc.)
As of Friday, I'm packing up my wife, 20 day old son and Black Lab and am heading for N.C.
From what I've researched you can have a loaded pistol in your vehicle as long as it's not concealed. Does LE get funny about this?
Please give me feedback! Thanks!
Unconcealed and loaded is OK, as is open carry. However, while legal, you don't see much open carry, so it may draw some attention. Durham has a law which requires all guns be registered, even if you are just passing thru. So don't pass thru, or keep it out of sight... like in the trunk, so you don't run afoul of the state law.
As for consideration since you already have a permit... no. In fact, I'm pretty sure there is a residency requirement. 6 months sticks in my mind. So, not only do you have to go thru all that again, you'll have to wait until you've been here a while.
Where will you be?

As an NC and FL permit holder, I can tell you NC is a joke. Before the CCW Law, it was a misdemeanor to carry. Now it's a felony....for those with CCW permits, that includes any building that houses a federal establishment (eg: Malls with Mail Boxes Etc stores), bars, sporting events, events that charge nauseum.

Even if you're legal in geography, be careful about the timing of your last alcohol tolerance renders carrying with CCW after a beer a felony.

Just do the open carry thing in autos and hope for the best.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 10, 1999).]
Rich and Tim,

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry I didn't get back to ya sooner. Why can we just use the Second Amendment the way it's written and forget about CCW like Vermont! Red Tape!
I talked to a Gun Dealer (Specialty Weapons) in Gastonia and he said I'd have to take training again ($50-60) at a local range and the license fee ($80-100) but as long as I have a NC drivers license it would only take a few days to get my permit. Sounds too good to be true!? Tim, to answer your question: Dallas, NC

[This message has been edited by mattfra (edited August 11, 1999).]