Norinco MAK90 Questions


New member
I figured it's about time to add an AK to my collection. Here in NJ all AKs where outlawed in the early 90s under Florio's Assault Weapon Ban. An enterprising citizen sued the State on behalf of his MAK90, and WON! This court ruling now makes the "thumb hole stock" version of the Norinco MAK90 the only AK that can be legally owned in Jersey.

How does this AK compare to the others out there? I've located one NIB w/two mags and accessories for $499.00. Is this a fair price?

I have owned a mak-90 for about 6-7 years and put around 3,000rnd through it with no probs, I don't think it is the best ak out there, but it will sure get the job done. Going price around here(WI) is $300-350 NIB.