Norinco Mak-90


New member
Shop has a post-ban Norinco MAK-90 for sale, $546.99. Good looking furniture, great price for a soon to be banned in Kalifornia rifle (at least I think). What are your opinions or comments on this rifle? Oh yeah, $900-1000 is too much for me to spend on an AR, makes me wish I was born earlier!
Purchased one when they were $299. It's been fully reliable as you'd expect from an AK. The finish isn't quite as nice as the Bulgarian and Romanian versions, but nicer than many of the Egyptian copies that I've seen.

I've been able to hit tons of rabbits, from ranges of up to 100 yards with no problem. I'd say the price is too high, but with things as they are, it's probably about right. Oh, I believe Inter-Ordnance has MAK-90 parts kits for sale right now, so you might also consider a few extra parts.
Well, if you can afford 549, you can afford
an AR-15. in the Forsale Discussion forum, I saw lowers going for
$130.00 (postban) and you can buy complete
kits for $350 from

Even assuming you need some extra parts, just for the above you've only put out 500 or so,
which is less than the price of the ak-klone.
Is it my imagination, or has the prices for these things shot up dramatically? I bought mine at a gun show several years ago for only $189! Why have they gone up? Cold War supply drying up? Clinton doing his mess again? Y2K? What?
The Only thing ARTSY about an AK as that its so simple a fish can atke it apart and its stone reliable. Are they pretty? NOPE. Do they work? YEP. ;)

I Bought my post bush/pre clinton ban Mak 90 in .223 for just over $350. Its bee a rugged little workhorse of a rifle and I'm shooting 4" groups at 100 yards with iron sights (with winchester 55 grain soft points). If I ever scope the thing I'll bet it can shoot a 2". Accessories were harder to find for the .223 version but Tom Forrest Inc. was a good supplier of magazines (now including 40 rounders!!!) and i read the shotguns news regularly keeping an eye out for .223 replacement parts just in case( like firing pins etc). The only complaint I've had with the rifle is the crappy bluing job the chinese guns seem to have. My dust cover shows a patina of surface rust no matter how i treat and clean it. I know replacement covers are cheap and i have a spare, but my orignal is fitted with a valmet ejection port buffer.. (a rubber bumper which keeps the dust cover from denting/cutting the .223 case upon ejection.)

the Factory stock is a little short (and UGLY) and I'm considering buy a new US made stock kit that has an inch longer stock. (anyone seen the fit and finish on RPB's wooden stock sets?)

The BEST 7.62 AK on the market was the Hungarian SA-85 M from FEG.. the blueing was DEEP, like a commercial rifle and the blonde wood stock was smooth and ergonomic. Price on these guns (if you can find one) will be over $600, but there is NO comparison between an SA 85 and a chinese or egyptian or bulgarian gun. The NEW version is called the SA 2000M (choate thumbhole stock and 10 shot clip from SOG International for $299 dealer cost) With a USAS stock kit total price would be around $500 and you'd have an Hungarian AK that LOOKS like an AK.

On the upside of the chinese guns there are a LOT of spare parts /accessories available and they are still cheap.

On the subject ok AK's tho.. I thought about buying an ak74 in 5.45x39 as a curiosity... any info on the good the bad and the ugly on these "modern ak's?" I know romanian and bulgarian models were importedand that russian "saiga" carbines use ak74 internals. Ammo is cheap and now available in reloadable /non corrosive form. How does the cartridge stand up to a .223?

ahhhh If Only I hadn't passed up that AK PISTOL in 7.62 for $800 in '92 (sigh)

Senate Bill 23- Perata/Lockyer?

Bans all AR-15 style weapons, AK-47/Mak-90 Variants, L1A1's, M1A1's, and all the rest.
The purchase or sale of magazines over 10 rounds will be prohibited in California as of Jan. 1, 2000.

The MAK-90's price will not stay at $546 for long!