Norinco Copy of Ithaca Model 37

Young Kiwi

New member
I saw one of these in a local gun shop.

Does any one have any experience of them ?

I assume that they are like most other Norinco products, rough finish, but 100% reliable

By the way, it has the orginal 37 trigger mech. therefore is able to slam-fire

[Edited by Young Kiwi on 03-29-2001 at 09:32 PM]
The buttstock is not the same as the Ithaca. It just feels crappy and handling sucks comparatively. <----(Note the scientific terms) I understand you can put an Ithaca stock on the gun. I'd get it then. The price is right, however, and for a house or truck gun I think it's a bargain. The few that I've observed haven't impressed me in the fit/finish department. I also noted that on one, the bolt and carrier locked back so that considerable force was required to push them forward again. Just try before you buy and do a function check.