norinco 7.62x39 red box

I bought a crate of it today for $250 (1200rds). I don't know how good or bad it is, would like to know though.
Are there any site references for the differant types of norinco ammo?

I've not seen crated, new Norinco ammo since the days of the Clinton Admin. Has something changed? Back then, a case went for less than $100.

If this is old ammo, somebody is making 200% profit.
I too remember it selling for less than $100. I also remember buying the cheap 308 in battle packs (still have a bunch), 8mm by the crate, and even the 7.62x45 ammo that has almost disappeared. One of my first gun show purchases was a Chinese sks and a crate of ammo for $150 out the door. But those days are long gone, and if I sit arround waiting for someone to sell ammo at 18+ year ago prices, I'll spend less time shooting/enjoying life, and more time riding a chair in front of a computer.
Bottom line is it is rare ammo - never to be imported again, and for a price comparable to wolf, didn't think it was too bad of a price. Considering I've seen boxes of 20 selling for 15-20 dollars each.
My question, and the reason I resurrected this old post (after doing a search) was targeted towards the people who have shot this particular type of Norinco red box 7.62x39 ammo, and was it good or bad. And if they didn't like it, why?, etc.
Oh well, it is what it is.
Ah the good ol days. I can remember around the early to mid 90's buying Norico SKS's and SKK's (SKS with a detachable 30 round mag) and wooden creates of ammo. The SKS's went for under $200 new and the SKK's were about $50 more, I cant remember the price of the ammo but it was cheaper to buy the green steel cased Norico 7.62x39 ammo then it was to buy Winchester 22mag ammo. We had some fun with them back then shooting old car bodies, fridges, washing machines ect, but alas our government fixed all that, but it didnt stop the shootings though and the only one's to hand in there semi-autos were the honest ones, the bad guy's kept there's.
Just my own $0.02 but I've shot a sh-tload of Norinco 7.62x39 ammo over the years and don't really set much store in what color the box is/was. It's all worked just dandy and hit at least tolerably close to where it was pointed. IME, it averages better groups in about any flavor than your standard run of Wolf, Tula or what-have-you Russian commercial stuff.

FWIW, in 1988 two friends and I (one had a "hobby" FFL) split the cost of an extraordinary deal we ran across on a full pallet of Norinco 7.62x39. I've managed to run through the bulk of it over time, but I still have a few sealed cases stashed away, just in case they're needed.