Noob question.


Hey guys a friend of mine and I were recently invited to take part in a small private shooting competition that's being run at our local range this coming spring.

So... I'm looking to try something outside the box here on the cheap basically just to see what how far I can push it. I have a Mossberg ATR 100 in .243 Winchester but I've only really shot it out to 250 or so yards this little shindig however ranges from 75-1100 yards. The one rule (I know of so far... I should prolly call them about that) is that the muzzle velocity has to be 3200fps or less. I've seen loads out there ~3150fps, but generally they don't seem to match up with this rifle. I also note that the "best" round for this (twist rate not mentioned in the load data) is discontinued (DTAC 115g). :(

So my question is, I've started looking at loads for this sort of shooting but I'm curious what weight of bullet people recommend to start out testing for a 1 in 10 twist 22" barrel? Heavier bullets have their advantages but most are recommended for 1 in 8 or faster and 1 in 10 in what I bring to the table. I know that .243 "can" do the job but I'm not sure it can be done with this slow a twist when we're talking about going out to 1100 yards.

Suggestions? Knowledge on the topic? Tried this before? Throw it at me. I don't much care about winning I just want to see what this rifle can actually do at range.

Let's see what we can wring out of a $350 rifle and a 3-9x50 Redfield scope!
I have no answer for you, but good luck.
It's always gratifying to use an inexpensive shooter to outscore all the dudes with their high end ones.
Let us know how you do.
And above all, no matter how you finish, have a fun gun day.
The .243 using any bullet weight drops like a brick past 300 yards. A 90 grain bullet with an MV of 3,100 fps sighted in .5" high at 100 drops 23.6" at 400. 45.5" at 500.
1100 yards is optimistic for a .243. Doable, but you need heavy match bullets. Any of 100 grain plus match bullets will do. Just be aware of the ballistics.
"...3200 fps or less..." That's the Snipers' Hide Cup rules. Easy to comply with though. Heavy bullets don't get anywhere near that. Fastest Hodgdon MAX loads run 3,000ish.