Noob Question about selling a handgun


New member
If I am selling and handgun to someone who lives in the same state as me (Texas for the record) are we required to sell through a dealer or can I just meet the person and sell it to them?

I'm in Ohio

But I believe you are good to go. Person to person transfer requires no paper trail, but lots of folks prefer to complete a bill of sale for their peace of mind. Trade ID's to make sure, and ask if there is any reason they cannot lawfully possess a handgun. May want a fellow TX member to give you the firm verdict, though (or just call your local gun shop).
FTF sales in TX do not require going through a dealer. It is against Texas law to transfer a handgun to someone under the age of 18 and a few other things that are detailed in PC section 46.06.

The sequence for transferring a handgun between 2 Texas residents is:
  1. Find person selling what you want, or buying what you have.
  2. Agree on price.
  3. Give/Receive $$$
  4. Get/Give handgun.
  5. Shake hands, walk away happy.
It is suggested that you get DL or CHL information from the buyer and execute a bill of sale. Nothing fancy, a simple:

I, {name}, sold a WonderNine Arms Unobtainable, ser. # 123321-4 to {name} TXDL# 11111111 (or CHL # 9876789) for $x.xx.

Signature of Seller Signature of Buyer


Thanks for the info guys... I figured it would be that simple in Texas :) unlike some other states **cough** cali, ny **cough** Texas is a little nicer to citizens who want to possess guns ;)
Where to meet someone to make a sale?

Where would you guys suggest meeting someone to sell a handgun??

I wouldn't feel comfortable going to their house, or them coming to my house so it needs to be somewhere public... but meeting somewhere public and exchanging gun for money might draw attention and get the police called...

Do you think a local gun shop would be amiable to allowing us to meet there for the sale of the gun?


BTW- Here is the bill of sale I am planning to use.... Does it seem okay to you guys??

Bill of Sale for a Gun, Pistol, Rifle, or Firearm

For and in consideration of $________ Dollars, cash in hand paid and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned _________________ hereafter called “Seller” does hereby sell and transfer unto _________________, hereafter called “Buyer” the following described firearm:

Make/Model _____________ Caliber _______

Serial # ____________________________

Sellers Driver License ________________

Buyers Driver License ________________

Seller warrants to buyer that he has good and marketable title to said property, full authority to sell and transfer said property, and that said property is sold free of all liens, encumbrances, liabilities, and adverse claims of every nature and description whatsoever. Said firearm is sold in its as is and current condition and Seller waives any express or implied warranty of fitness or merchantability.

The undersigned Buyer warrants that he is a Citizen of the state of Texas, does not use illegal drugs, is not a fugitive from justice, has never been 1) Convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or crime of domestic violence, 2) dishonorable discharged from the armed forces, 3) subject to a restraining order, 4) under indictment, 5) adjudicated as mentally defective or confined to a mental institution.

____________________ ____________________

I am from Texas

I was born and have lived in Texas all my life.

I posted this in the Buy/Sell forum b/c it seemed most appropriate.. Thanks for moving it though :)
Do you think a local gun shop would be amiable to allowing us to meet there for the sale of the gun?

I doubt very seriously they would, strictly from a liablity point of view. There would be a transfer of a firearm occuring on the premises of an FFL holder without any official paperwork.

Don't ask how I know :D. I bought a gun FTF after shooting it at an indoor range and they were not happy with the transfer occuring on their premises because of the FFL situation.

I think your bill of sale is a bit too wordy and I, personally, would have a problem with my driver's license number recorded on it, but otherwise it would be OK by me.
I've done several FTF sales in TX and have met at each others homes, Lowe's parking lots, Home Depot's parking lots, Wal-Mart parking lots....all different kinda places and never once got any strange looks from others.....after all, you are in Texas. :D
Maybe I am just being paranoid... (I do work for 911 and hear lots of messed up sh*t on a day to day basis) but I am worried the person meeting me might be some gang banger out to steal the gun and rob me....

I mean, in this day and age how much can you really trust anything someone says online?