Non-Resisting CHL Shot By Police During Traffic Stop

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As reported, the CHL was stopped for a busted taillight at 9pm. His girlfriend and her daughter were in the car. The officer asked him for his identification. As he reached for his identification, he informed the officer he was carrying a firearm - at which time, according to the girlfriend, the officer yelled "Don't move" and then shot him. The girlfriend livestreamed the aftermath at the link.

I thought this would be a useful discussion because as gun owners and CHLs, I'm sure none of us wish to be shot by police while peacefully exercising our constitutional rights. In this regard, it seems like the department certainly could do a better job of training its officers for these kinds of interactions.

On the other side of that, discussing when and how to inform officers in a way that keeps everybody safe is certainly a good conversation as well.

Never mind. I see this is being discussed in T&T already.
I just looked up on the fact that Minnesota does not require you to inform the officer if you are armed. It's my understanding that he told the officer anyway, before he was shot. A sad situation all around.
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