Non-resident handgun in NY question


I am a resident of Vermont and would like to legally bring a handgun to my deer camp in northern NY. Is there any way for a non-NY resident to do this?

Could today's Supreme Court argument change New York's handgun laws for the better?

100% illegal in NYS, Our wonderful state does not grant non resident pistol permits, and unregistered possession in the state is a one way ticket to the graybar hotel with 3 meals a day and an hour of time in the yard with lots of " friends "

IMO the SCOTUS case will not overturn NYS's so called " reasonable " restrictions on carrying in NYS.

Bring a rifle or shotgun and you'll be ok in NYS, so leave the handgun at home.

info at the following link:


A non-resident citizen may possess a rifle or shotgun in New York, as long as it is unloaded while being transported. No person may carry, possess or transport a handgun in or through the state unless he has a valid New York license. New York does not issue licenses to non-residents nor does it recognize licenses issued by other states. (A provision of federal law provides a defense to state or local laws which would prohibit the passage of persons with firearms in interstate travel. If a person is traveling from any place where he may lawfully possess and transport a firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and transport such firearm and the firearm is unloaded and in the trunk. In vehicles without a trunk, the unloaded firearm shall be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. Necessary stops, e.g., gasoline and rest, seem permissible.) A member or coach of an accredited college or university target pistol team may transport a handgun into or through New York to participate in a collegiate, Olympic or target pistol shooting competition provided that the handgun is unloaded and carried in a locked carrying case and the ammunition is carried in a separate locked container. An alien may possess a rifle or shotgun for use while hunting provided he has a valid New York hunting license. "If such (handgun) license is issued to an alien, or to a person not a citizen of and usually a resident in the state, the licensing officer shall state in the license the particular reason for the issuance and the names of the persons certifying to the good character of the applicant." Non-resident target shooters may enter or pass through New York State with handguns for the purposes of any NRA approved competition if the competitor has in his possession a copy of the match program, proof of entry and a pistol license from his state of residence. The handgun must be unloaded and transported in a locked opaque container.
None which I am aware of, but I'm not a pro on the moronic ny laws. Struggling through them myself now.

May be best to get a permit using your deer camp as an address. Not sure if that will work or not though.

I'm sure others more informed will chime in on this. Just wait a bit.
May be best to get a permit using your deer camp as an address. Not sure if that will work or not though.

Sorry, that would mean that you would have to lie on the application that would constitute a felony in NYS. Don't do it.
Thanks for the quick replies. I didn't think it was possible, hopefully someday it will change.

I'm glad to live in VT with no gun laws and very little crime.
Barkeate said:
I'm glad to live in VT with no gun laws and very little crime.

Surely you are not suggesting that those two are related to each other are you?!? ;)

Isn't just amazing how when the number of gun control laws go down in a state so does the rate of crimes committed with firearms?
It's too logical for most anti-gun people to understand.

The last statistic I heard was that around 50% of all households in Vermont had at least one gun. Those are bad odds if you are looking for a house to rob.
No person may carry, possess or transport a handgun in or through the state unless he has a valid New York license.

It's true, at this time, and according to NY law, you may not have your handgun with you on you hunting trip in NY.


Bolded part is unenforceable, as long as you are traveling directly through the state from a place you may legally possess the handgun, to a place you may legally possess it, with no unnecessary stops and the weapon is unloaded and locked in a container. Follow these guidelines, and you will be protected by federal law.
I believe there is also an exception fir Non Resident handguns in NY for a sanctioned compeition but the requeirements are so difficult to be certain of meeting and chances so high of NYS LEOs not understanding them and arresting you anyway I don't know of anyone who has tried.
I routinely take both my Glock and Sig from NJ to an NY firing range and have done so for the last 18 months without issue. I don't remember whether it's possible because the range has NRA sanctioned classes, a gunsmith on site, or has sanctioned competition matches, or ???? but it appears to be all right --I've checked it with the owners.
You are risking arrest, just ask a friendly police officer the next time you are in NYS with a non resident handgun. :D

but it appears to be all right --I've checked it with the owners.

Ask the owners to pay for your legal defense if you are arrested and charged with a'll be surprised at how quickly they change their song....

in short, don't do it.
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No offense but asking police for gun law information is a waste of time since 95% of them have no idea what they are. They just enforce what they THINK it should be and let the DA sort it out. Of couse that usually ends up with your gun impounded for months while the DA tries to find ANYTHING that will stick... If you ever get your gun back.

To the guy in NJ... You need to find a range in state, you can't legally take a handgun to NY to shoot. Your saving grace here is cops don't usually sit around gun shops checking permits :p

To the original poster, I BELIEVE it is legal to take a handgun to a FEDERAL park now. So if your camping in a federal park you may be ok, but state or private property is a no no.
To the original poster, I BELIEVE it is legal to take a handgun to a FEDERAL park now.

No Sir, that's not the case. You can take a handgun to a Federal Park ONLY if you comply with the state laws (where the park is), For example if you have a Wyoming recognized CC permit, then you can take the gun into Yellowstone.

But lets say Wyoming was like new York (I know, never happen), and forbid non residents from having a pistol, then non residents couldn't have a pistol in Wyoming's part of Yellowstone.

The National Park Carry rules do not over ride state laws, it abides by them.
hardedge said:
I routinely take both my Glock and Sig from NJ to an NY firing range and have done so for the last 18 months without issue. I don't remember whether it's possible because the range has NRA sanctioned classes, a gunsmith on site, or has sanctioned competition matches, or ???? but it appears to be all right --I've checked it with the owners.
The law was quoted above. The circumstances you describe most definitely are NOT all right. What the law says is very clear:

Non-resident target shooters may enter or pass through New York State with handguns for the purposes of any NRA approved competition if the competitor has in his possession a copy of the match program, proof of entry and a pistol license from his state of residence. The handgun must be unloaded and transported in a locked opaque container.
It isn't enough that the range sometimes hosts NRA matches. YOU have to be a registered competitor. You can transport the handgun there ONLY for the specific match. You must have with you a copy of the match program and proof that you are entered in the match. And you have to have a pistol license from your home state. (Sorry, Vermonters need not apply, I guess.)
Hardedge, that NY range has given you VERY dangerous advice which will cost them NOTHING and you EVERYTHING. As others have stated, you don't have a leg to stand on in NY. Even if the range owner "promised" to cover you it doesn't mean a damn thing.
kraigwy said:
For example if you have a Wyoming recognized CC permit, then you can take the gun into Yellowstone.

Having a CC permit has nothing to do with it. Open carry in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho is legal with no permit required, thus open carry in Yellowstone is legal with no permit required - as is transporting the handgun in a vehicle with no permit required.
Support, I was using that as an example, meaning in a Federal Park, you have to abide by the laws of the state which contains the park.
Ya I wasn't 100% sure that's why I made sure to capitalize the I "BELIEVE" :o

Good to know, I haven't been to a state or federal park in years.
Hardedge, you are in fact committing a felony every time you do that, and NY is the worst place you could possibly commit a firearms offense. Perhaps you think because this isn't a gun purchased illicitly on the street that makes it ok. Perhaps you think that because your weapon was purchased legally in another state you're not committing a crime. Perhaps you think that the fact that you were merely ignorant of NY's restrictions and not acting malliciously, that you wouldn't be arrested. Tell all of that to Plaxico Burress. He's not in county jail either, he's in state prison for 2 years for what wouldn't even be considered a crime elsewhere! He just made a mistake, albeit a bad one. Not trying to sound harsh friend, but I'm just trying to bring home a point of how serious it is in NY. Your range owners gave you VERY poor advice! Be safe and find a NJ range.