Non-cycling Beretta

A fellow shooter bought a 3901 Beretta and it failed to cycle a lot with target loads, so it went to a local warranty guy for repairs and was returned. The shooter doesn't know what was done to it. It still fails to cycle or stove pipes about 1 in 5.

A suggestion is that it needs to be broken in with heavy loads, but others say there Berettas handled target loads well right out of the box. Is there something he should try other than patience? I believe the gun is supposed to automatically adjust for heavy and light loads.
At least buy a box of heavy loads and see what happens. If it still has troubles, call Beretta. If it works he may just need patience.
What brand of ammo is he using? There are known problems with the cheaper Winchester shells, not ejecting from pump guns. This may be the cause of the Beretta not working right.
The recommended load for these when they're new is a 1 1/8 oz load at 1200 fps... I have one that hasn't had any type of failure in the three years I've owned it...

These guns bleed off pressure when the pressures go up on higher powered loads and don't compensate for light target loads... When mine broke in it, it had no problems eating 1 oz estate and AA target loads... None of my autos are fed the bulk pack garbage from Walmart...
First would be using pipe cleaners and cleaning the gas ports. If it is failing to cycle, there is not enough gas pressure being bled off to cycle the action.

IF he took it apart to clean it, did he put things back correctly?

Don't take these questions as insults, but a lot of these guns' issues are operator error, not the gun. IF it is indeed the gun, then it should be covered under warranty if bought new.

You mention target loads, but target loads can range from 7/8oz to 1-1/8 oz, and from 780fps to 1300fps - what did he use?
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I don't know what brand of ammo he was using, but it was 1-1/8 ounce. I don't think they were "light" target loads but we told him to try another brand like Remington or Win AA and to make sure they were full 3 DRAM. This was the way the gun fired after coming back from the warranty shop for the same problem