Non-Californians PLEASE HELP!


New member
For Anyone that is not living in California who wishes to help Fight SB23 before it spreads to a state near you.....

Jessica and I still have the P.O. box that we opened for the T shirts.

If you are inclined to do so, Please download and make copies of this petition and send them to us, or send whatever funds you feel you could spare (even $5) for printing costs.

It is our intent to provide free copies of the petition to those who cannot afford to make them, and we are not of the means to be able to pay for all those people by ourselves.

I will make these petitions available to anyone who wishes to distribute them, and also distribute them myself by the 1000's.

Here's the address:

Jessica Sullivan
2272 Colorado Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90041
#1110 PMB (very important)

Anyone in CA wishing to distribute petitions funded by the members of this site please email me and I will get them to you.

In Addition, we need help to get the word out.
Anybody, and Everybody who cares... please contact every pro- gun webmaster you can and ask them to put a link to this petition.

CA non-residents, we really need your help.

Same Shot, Different day
I have one of them PMBs too. I thought it was supposed to be in the format:

Jessica Sullivan
2272 Colorado Boulevard
PMB 1110
Los Angeles, CA 90041

p.s. check's in the mail for $50.
Hmm, looks like the time on the web-server machine got reset....

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 03, 1999).]
What is that #1110 PMB business that is so important? Does it go on the envelope? On the check? Please explain.

It's the application of the new "legislation/regulation" from the USPS that says if you do not include the PMB abbreviation (means private mail box) your mail will be returned.

This applies to anyone who has a PO box from Mail Boxes Etc., Postal Connections, and all other third party mail establishments.

It's their pathetic "effort" to reduce mail fraud.

You know, "For the children."

If you search TLF, you'll find an article posted on this "regulation" made a few months back.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 02, 1999).]
Bouncing it to the top. Can anyone else help? It's for the children. Most of the signatures are going to have to come from the LA area, because that's where most of the people are.
Well Ewok,
It will be interesting to see if the other states come to help, or if they will sit by thinking this wont effect them.
Anyone who has done the research knows that California is a testing area for new gun laws, and they do end up in the other states if successful. Tons of Californians are hitting the streets to spread this petition. We are doing our part.
Your 50 dollars Ewok will buy 2500 "source" copies, each with blanks for 5 signatures.
I have already made 3000 copies from my personal funds.
I am glad there there are some people still left out there who are willing to go the distance to protect our rights.
Like I said before, even $5 buys a lot of copies at 2 cents a pop... each one with the potential to be copied by someone else.

Here in CA, we'll be fighting this for both us and everyone, with, or without your help, but if you feel it is a worthwile cause, then please join in however you can.


Same Shot, Different day

[This message has been edited by SameShot (edited August 03, 1999).]