Non Book Warning


New member
I would like to warn the board about a new entry on - "Percussion Revolvers, A Guide to.....etc"
This was to be a re-written and expanded follow up to the similarly titled current book on the same subject. The major object was to cover more revolvers, more history and more shooting modalities with an improved physical layout. With the latter in mind, I invested considerable money in iUniverse contracted proof readers and line editors. Unfortunately, their level of competence combined with my own poor proof reading ability resulted in some glaring errors in the final product. Rather than listen to three years of complaints, I instructed iUniverse to scrub the project.

The book probably does not actually exist and if a few have been printed, this took place against my instructions.
there is probably not even one copy. I was supposed to get 50 of them with the contract and they didn't come. I suspect I got the printing stopped before it started and the amazon posting is just the result of pre-releasing. Can't account for the sales rank though.
In case my message on THR isn't seen by people here...


I ordered one yesterday, along with a copy of the first version. I've received notice from that the first book has shipped, and the second (later one) is due to ship August 8. I'm considering whether to allow it to continue, just to see if it really shows up or to cancel it.

Have you canceled the entire project or is an acceptable book still in the works?

PS - I have seen your reply on THR. Thanks.
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