Non "assault" assault rifle for DC?

Coop de Ville

New member
This may fit better in the rifle forum but since it's rights related I'll start here.

As a good, law abiding LEO and resident of DC I decided to take my Bushy down to headquarters to have it test fired and registered and submit photos, etc. because I do the right thing.

Within the last week the wonderful members of Council decided to pass legislation banning "assault weapons" and the ".50 Cal." I decided to call downtown and find out what the details were (since it's not in writing yet). Turns out that by April it will be in effect. Currently, they have stopped registering "assault" weapons (ex:Ar-15).

I was informed that there are 2 possibilities:
1) Since registration is required every 3 years, they would not allow reregistration at the 3 year point.
2) They would "call in" all assault weapons starting in April.

I plan on leaving, My fiancee has been here for 15 years, which is why I moved here. Don't know if we can make the move in that time period.

I'll probably end up transferring it to someone out of state since I don't want to sell it outright.

I'm starting to ponder other options. I really haven't heard any good things about the mini14, but thought maybe if I sold or traded the Bushy I could use the extra money to accurize it. I have a cr@p load of .223, so the caliber is staying. Just looking for a semi auto platform that won't fall into the "assault" category.

I really can not believe the arrogance and disconnect of these idiots here in Washington. I work in probably the most dangerous housing projects in the country. Gun violence every day.. I still think we should have the right to own these weapons.

I can't believe what these people do to my blood pressure. I'll quit bitching now.

I'll take a look at California's laws. DC seems to be copying them almost verbatim. I really hope SCOTUS spanks these expletives like never before.


You're an LEO and yet are still going to have to give up the AR-15? Did I read that right? Either way hope things work out. This weapons ban crap is a load of ****. Why can't these liberals understand that Criminals don't care about laws and the by passing such legislation it's simply going to invent Criminals because I know plenty of good Christian Americans that will stand by their 2nd ammendmant rights that won't be giving up their guns untill The Man knocks down their door and takes them.

Stupid stupid legislators.

I was informed that there are 2 possibilities:
1) Since registration is required every 3 years, they would not allow reregistration at the 3 year point.
2) They would "call in" all assault weapons starting in April.


You mean... people who lobby for gun registration would arbitrarily and capriciously decide not to allow registration at a certain point, and demand forfeiture instead?:eek::rolleyes:

I would never have guessed such an unconscionable act possible by even the most heinous of people!:p;)

If your leaving DC you won't like maryland or New Jersey either. Verginia is not too bad but I like Pennsylvania. No EBR limitations or Magazine, ammo And our License to Carry a Firearm (CCW permit) is shall issue with very few limitations as to where you can't carry. No permission slip is needed to buy a rifle or pistol.
Pass PICS ( NICS PA style) and your out the door. When I bought my Bushmaster I was cleared before I finished the 4473.
2) They would "call in" all assault weapons starting in April.
Pardon, but that sounds like it would be actionable. Perhaps a class action suit?

If I was going to live in a place like that I'd wonder about the features by which the locals misdefine "assault rifle". I can think of several modification possibilities, depending on the specific laws. These include replacing the magazine catch with a California style catch requiring a tool to drop the magazine, replacing the pistol grip with either a thumbhole stock or a backswept California grip, removing the gas tube and closing the gas plug to convert the rifle to a straight pull bolt action, placing a permanent sled in the magazine well to create a single shot rifle, replacing the lower with a California lower.

As far as I know all these methods are commercially available except for the gas plug closure kit.
don't play their game...

there needs to be no 'legal' definition of assault weapon or rifle. The 2nd is to insure a citizen can have such... in 1790 it was a single shot musket or pistol the same as the military carried... there should be no difference today. When gun owners finally realize this basic fact and start defending it is when we truly turn the tide.
OK, let me see if I get this right. The handgun ban is ruled unconstitutional, and they move right on to yet another ban? :barf: I'd leave too. But how long can we all keep doing that before the next move is out of the country? America is finished. I was asleep for far too long...not paying any attention to any of this stuff. Complacency will eventually render this country unrecognizable. I think many of the Founding Fathers would be embarassed at what we've become. It's just sad.
One federal enclave and you're going to move outa the US? I hope that was all sarcasm.

There are many really good States that don't have bans of any kind. Can we keep things in perspective?
I was hoping that weapons in "common usage" would be exempt. I'm pretty sure the AR is a common usage weapon in the US.

We will definitely be moving out. My folks are about 3 hrs. away in PA, but VA might be more realistic since we both work in DC. Right now, my fiancee has owned her house in DC for maybe 8 years or so. I can purchase a house, but we can't move just yet. I was looking for a multiple residence place, where I could claim residence and rent the other half....

Maybe this is just the fire I needed lit under my a$$.

Mini-14 is still an option ;) If I could afford the ammo I'd get an M1-A.


"Common usage."

We have to remember, that the Heller decision only applies to handguns, and then, only to those kept at home. As it may apply to longarms, that particular quote is dicta, until a court rules it otherwise.

Like everything D.C. has tried and is trying, it will have to be litigated. This is the point in time that actual Federal legislation needs to be made, to prohibit the D.C. government from making these ridiculous laws.
I wonder if there are enough affected persons to warrant a class action suit against your local political animals, using the Heller decision for support, identifying them as conspirators to violate your civil rights and aiming at their pocket books? I don't think that DC citizens' civil rights can be fully protected until a really good attorney emerges who can successfully sue for damages against the individual perpetrators in a way similar to the success Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center have had in suing the Klan.

I'd probably be contacting the NRA Civil rights Defense Fund at this point if it was me.
We have to remember, that the Heller decision only applies to handguns, and then, only to those kept at home. As it may apply to longarms, that particular quote is dicta, until a court rules it otherwise.

The "assault weapon" ban makes me wonder if the DC Council ever bothers to get legal advice.

Heller contained some fancy footwork to declare handguns protected while skirting the Miller issue of military weapons. So the DC Council obligingly bans both the automatic and semiautomatic versions of the primary individual US military weapon. If that is not just asking for it, I don't know what is.
The majority of residents here are not in a position to sue. The majority don't own guns and, quite frankly, despise guns. Those that financially stable and own guns tend to move/ live in VA and MD. Those that are financially less secure don't own guns.

Where I work "East of the River" in the poorer neighborhoods, there are scores of good conservative lower class people who are tired of being victimized. The problem is that many of these people don't have the functional capability or whatever means necessary to for much more than neighborhood speedbumps.

I say that and it upsets me. I work with some of the greatest people who have been in these areas for generations. It seems a good example of how an oppressive government can render otherwise independent people, helpless or indifferent to their surroundings.

I've been an NRA member for years, maybe I should inquire.

Obviously, I don't know your situation, but a good lawsuit would make this sideline spectator Very happy. Somebody needs to slap down the DC lawmakers in dramatic style. This is a rediculous violation of rights, IMO. Maybe the NRA or CATO would be interested, if someone had a solid standing.

Just between Miller and Heller, there are a lot of good arguments to be made.
Kalifornia managed to ban certain firearms...

I assume that's precedent.

Not for purposes of federal law. DC is a federal enclave only subject to federal law or local ordinances adopted under delegated federal authority.