Noisy Single Action


New member
I have a Super Blackhawk in .44 mag. that I'd like to use as a close range deer gun. The problem is, when I cock it, it's loud. If a deer was under my tree stand it would head for the hills when I pull back the hammer. I'm not crazy about the idea of sitting with it cocked. My only other choice would be a 6" gp100 in .357. I'd rather the .44 but if I cant get a shot whats the point? Any ideas? Thanks,
I have to pull the trigger as I cock the hammer, and releases the trigger after it is cocked to get mine to cock without noise. Takes a little practice, but it should cock without that annoying click.
I do the same thing with my Marlin 30-30 lever action. I don't know how loud it would be with out holding the trigger back but, it works. Not exactly the same scenario but it works.
I usually cock mine as I see the deer approaching. If your stand is in a location that doesn't allow you to see approaching deer, then you can try the "hold the trigger" trick. I have sat with my gun cocked for hours. I do like stated above and put my off hand around the gun with my thumb between the frame and hammer.

You could buy an aftermarket hammer with a half cock notch. Maybe a bit expensive, but may be a fun project.