Noise-making load ROA


New member
OK, recently purchased a Ruger Old Army. Absolutely love it. I would like to make some noise without being hazardous and wasteful. Keep in mind that I have a 30 acre field across from my house. What do you think, 25 to 30 grains with an aluminum foil ball ball enough? BTW, I'm talkin' bout usin' black. Read about the aluminum ball thing on another thread.

Kevin in Pa
I use to do the same thing. 20 grains is enough, but sometimes I use to fill it up such that it was difficult to jam the aluminium ball down the cylinder. The Good Lord protects stupid fools like myself and I learned from Ruger they designed the ROA for folks like me!:p
I have two ROA and love them. My favorite gun. Yes, 25 Gr of BP or Pyrodex with an aluminum foil is good. Although you don't have to, I also suggest to put wax or a heavy grease on top of it. If the aluminum ball is not tight the recoil will push it out and make a mess or worse, cause a chain fire!

Happy shooting!
This will be for making noise at home or at the in-laws (we're rural) so a dab of crisco is readily available. I've been shooting with Wonderwads but found a recipe online for making my own. I thought I was done collecting guns and thought I filled all my firearm wants till I recently purchased the ROA. Now I'm eyeing up others! Went out on Saturday with it and some other guns with a buddy. We hardly shot the others cause we were having too much fun with the black powder!

Kevin in Pa