Noble Gesture My A$$


New member
I was listening to NPR this morning and they suggested that as a noble gesture and for the good of the nation Bush should bow to the popular vote and concede the election.What a crock!I wonder if they would be saying the same thing id their man was in the same position.
Well, their man is in the same position. Did they call on Gore to make the noble gesture? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I wonder how many people in the cemetaries of Detroit and Chicago rose up yesterday and voted...

The Democrats in Detroit tried to get a judge to keep the polls open later than the 8:00OPM closing time for people who couldn't get in line by 8:00 PM.(Or so that they could go to different voting precincts and say that they registered and weren't issued a voter card and thus vote in more than one precinct...)


NRA Life Member/Volunteer Recruiter
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners(MCRGO)
lol...isnt that great....the bums cant win it so now they want to steal sure w has a bigger pair then
About half of Washington's vote is 'mail in absentees' and those votes will still be coming in for days. Maybe, since Washington is in the west, and they hate Al Gore out there, Bush may retake the lead again. There are probably lot's of other votes out there still on the way too. Gore just isn't that far ahead in the popular vote anyway.

Very typical for the Clinton-Gore supporters to want to go against the procedures established by the US Constitution.

If they really want a noble gesture, let them find enough support to amend the Constitution.

Other than that, to hell with them.

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!
The thing is, I WANT to have the Constitution ammended so that elections reflect only the popular vote. I REALLY hope that we do that, in the near future. But that's not how the rules read for THIS particular game. Bush and his campaign manager knew damn good and well which states to go ahead and let Gore have. It made no sense to bother campaigning hard in those states. Bush sensibly fought for E.C. votes. Why should we change the rules mid-election? (answer: because it would help the Democrats...)

What I want to know is, what in hel are you listening to NPR for?

o I raised my hand to eye level, like pointing a finger, and fired. Wild Bill Hickok
BigG,I`m on a diet and am using NPR as an appetite supressant.There`s no f`ing way I can eat after listening to that crap!