No4 MK1 feeding problems


New member
does anyone have problems whith thier Enfield's feeding? both of mine are a pain it the butt. ive tryed tweaking mag lips but i cant seem to get it right. any tips?
First show us a picture of the feed lips from above & in front looking rearwards. That will let us see where you've gotten to.;)

Where exactly do they hang up?

Have you tried black-marking the feed ramp & using dummy rounds (not snap caps, actual dummy rounds) to see where the ramp is being contacted?
How are you loading the cartridges into the magazine? The No. 4 Mk. I fires .303 British which, as you probably already know, is a rimmed cartridge. The Lee-Enfield does not have an interruptor like a Mosin-Nagant does, so it is imperative that the rim of each cartridge is in front of the rim of the cartridge below it in order to prevent rimlock. Improperly loading cartridges into the magazine is a common mistake of people used to shooting rifles chambered for rimless cartridges like 8mm Mauser, 30-06, and .308 because rimlock is impossible with a rimless cartrdige.
well....i would love to post a picture but the magazines are about 800 miles from my current location right now, just trying to get an idea of how to fix them once i get close to them again. and i am sure i load the mag properly, rim in front of each other (push in slide back). what happens mostly is the bolt does not grab another round or the projectile end points up and hits the top of the chamber. also if i drop a mag most of the time buwets fly out of the mag like a machine gun and i get to find them again and reload....very annoying. thanks for the help...hope my descriptions helped.
you shouldn't need to be sliding the cartridge into the magazine like you load a pistol mag. Just need to lay on top and push down
Two thoughts, based on the rest of the info you posted.
You do need to slightly load & push back to keep rims set correctly, but not a huge amount 1/2" is plenty.

It sounds like your front feed lips are either too open, or the tips are ground away. Dropping a magazine is a bad idea anyway, but the rounds should not pop out. If the front is high the rear is lowered & that may be why the bolt isn't catching them. Overly open front lips will also allow the bullet to be to high & strike the top as well. The correct position is the tip should contact the feed ramp about 2/3 of the way up.

Give me a couple of days & I'll take & post some pictures for you showing the lips & how the bullets should be presented to the breech.
Here you go:
Feed lips

Different angle:

Loaded rounds &m how they should sit:

Different view:
You are staggering the rim of the case as you load, correct?

Have you disassembled the mag and cleaned and lubed it? New mag follower springs are available on Gunbroker and evil bay. The old follower springs to get weak, I've had to replace several on mine.

I was fortunate to find a pair on brand new mags in the wrap, so I have something to compare old mags to and repair as needed.
Question -- what kind of bullets are you feeding?

Some military rifles are sensitive to feeding bullets that are much out of the profile style and overall length of military FMJ ammunition.

I have a Type 38 Japanese Arisaka that will feed 156-gr. Norma round nose all day long, but when I try running anything with 120-gr. or lighter bullets it will often hang up in much the manner that you're describing.

BUT... given your description of what happens when you remove the magazine? I'd say your magazine is damaged.
Out of curiosity, is the mag numbered to your gun? It sounds to me like you may need to try a different mag.
i dont remember if the mag is numbered or not. the ammo is mostly 180 grain sierra SP. and hornady 174 FMJ's. thanks for all the great intel! hope yall have a Merry Christmas!
The last round always misfeeds in one of my two #5s. The bullet tip always goes up and left of the chamber.

The mag spring feels weaker than those of my other four Enfields.

madcratebuiler: I've never staggered mine, and having read about how stripper clips are loaded (though I have none), it should have dawned on me.

As for dawn, I'll never be bright enough for the dawn patrol, though I've done many legs at sunrise.
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