No you too can hunt a Rhino...........


New member
You too can hunt a rhino for only $ 7 600.00 (R 50 000,00) as apposed to the $ 36 000.00 (R 250 000.00)it will cost you to hang a white rhino trophy on your wall.

I am refering to a article I read last night in a local magazine here in South Africa on the subject of "Green Hunting".

"Green Hunting" allows the hunter to track the animal, in this case a white rhino and then to shoot it with a dartgun.

The animal runs off and colapses (in theory), you get to take some pictures and a vet. then revives the animal.
Included in the price you get a trophy replica of the rhino's head.

The article states that this will only be allowed when a rhino needs to be darted for scientific purposes anyway. (yea right)

The "hunt" has been approved by SCI as well as Green peace.

Yes you too can sneak up to a white rhino, shoot it in the a$$ and count yourselve as a Big 5 hunter.

Let me see if I have this correct: The "Establishment" wants to anesthetize a particular rhino. Normally, they would pay somebody to go out and do this.

In this new system, however, they are relying on somebody who desires a "wilderness experience" and who himself will pay for the privilege of doing somebody else's work for him. Instead of paying out whatever the prevailing wage is for "darting" the rhino, they get $7,600 income.

Well, it won't be me...

:), Art
You are correct Sir, however in this case the "Establishment" was a private farm owner.

These private farms typically carry between 3 to 6 rhino (due to cost of animals and their slow breeding rate)

You have to raise questions with regards to safety, what happens after the dart has been placed neatly into your rhino and it turns on you, will you then shoot it for "real"?

That is why most of the darting are done from vehicles or helicopters.

Would unscrupoulous farmers exploit their rhino and have them darted for no reason other than profit?

These hunts are for White rhino, which are docile animals by and large.For 36 grand the hunter also gets the horn, which can be worth a great deal. It also renders the animal valueless to poaching, since he doesn't have a horn. It doesn't appeal to me, sort of like shooting a big cow. The Black rhino is another matter. He is curmudgeonly and unpredictable. I have only encountered one in the bush and fled forthritely and without embarrasment. Regrettably, the black rhino is well on the road to extinction.
Green Hunting? Hmm... I think I like it, all the excitment and none of the yucky blood. Maybe a "Paint Ball Safari" would be in order next? Actually, might be fun if the price could be kept below $XXk. Ditto the pity for the Black Rhino.
Paint ball safari,i would pay for a VHS tape of someone shooting a Cape Buffalo with a paint ball, now who,s going to stand up and be counted.
I want to go on a big-five-paint-ball-safari!!!!!! It would be a friggen blast!!! And dangerous, but if ya had a guide backing you with a trank-gun. Then you can take pictures, of a *dead* (for all intentional purposes) animal, with the *blood* stain where you shot it :) That would be a blast. No I wouldn't pay 8 grand to shoot a white rhino, but it would be still be a fun experience.
Inone of Safari Clubs old magazines they talked about this idea. Seems someone is/was running a paintball hunt for elephant.

The rhino idea is interesting. White rhino would be an incredible bore - my PH had two on his place and they were about as challenging as hunting VWs in a parking garage. We used to bump into them all the time. Poor eyesight, mediocre nose. That being a personal opinion, I would not have any problems with someone displaying a fake horn on his/her wall. Not for me though.

This whole scenario gives me this creepy mental image of rhino's who have been darted several times turning into junkies. Can you picture them following people around backwards with their rump exposed and grunting pitifully?

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