No Wolves This Year


New member
But worse!!!

Well, found out one reason we didn't see as many deer on the land this year (or wolves and coyotes). One of the guys said there was a big cougar on our land during the whole week of gun season. We walk in at dark and the guy with the longest walk heard some super scary growling (snarling?) right near him. He couldn't get in his box blind quick enough! It was the cougar. And in the middle of Wisconsin of all places. Of course the DNR will claim it was a large raccoon or something and we stupid hunters can't distinguish the difference.
This is the third cougar story I've heard this year. I'm starting to wonder if we've got a breeding pair somewhere. Last I knew, the DNR was admitting that one passed through last year on it's way east to Maine, but that was all they'd admit, and only did so then after it was shot out there.
One of the guys hunting on our leased land (who actually runs the lease) is a farmer. He's witnessed more then one cougar on his farm this fall and his farm is not far from our hunting land. I suspect it's a pair as males don't join up.
Just passing through !!!

Here in Iowa, we have had more sightings this year than I can recall. Why is it that the DRN folks keep saying that these are just "Passing Through" ???
I always have to ask; passing through to where? I now see that they must be heading north, to Wisconsin. Our deer numbers are seriously down this year and perhaps that might be the reason. By law, it's open season on them so my call is to pop them if you get a chance. At any rate, hope they like Wisconsin as much as I do. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Best solution is: SSS
Missouri has some big cats which the bunny cops deny are here even when you show them a dead one.
warbirdlover said:
Of course the DNR will claim it was a large raccoon or something and we stupid hunters can't distinguish the difference.

In this case, I think they're correct.

The only evidence of the big cat is some strange growling from some one that didn't actually see the animal? Yea, that's worth rounding up a posse for... :rolleyes:

Big cats usually don't make noise, unless they are seriously threatened. Even then, it's usually only females that are defending a litter of cubs. This time of year, there aren't many cubs to defend...

Stupid hunters can't tell the difference. ;)

If you ever have a run-in with a big cat, in the middle of the woods (especially when it's dark), you'll understand that statement. Until then, you'll just think I'm a jerk making a personal attack. So it shall be...

Mobuck said:
Best solution is: SSS
Advocating illegal activity is against TFL's policy.
Just passing through !!!


Here in Iowa, we have had more sightings this year than I can recall. Why is it that the DRN folks keep saying that these are just "Passing Through" ???
I always have to ask; passing through to where? I now see that they must be heading north, to Wisconsin. Our deer numbers are seriously down this year and perhaps that might be the reason. By law, it's open season on them so my call is to pop them if you get a chance.

This is the same story we get here in Missouri "just passing through".
I also wonder where they are passing through to, along with that I wonder who in the hell ask them if they are just passing through?

It sounds to me that all the conservation departments read their information for a standard response out of the same book.

There's been several sightings around here of an adult or adults and my neighbor seen two that were about half grown wrestling around with each other.
However I'm sure they are all just passing through.

In Missouri unless they are killing or threatening livestock or a human they are protected.
If one is shot the shooter is to report it imediately.
I would be willing to bet that if one was shot and not reported it would not take the conservation officer long to find it.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Here in MO. we have lots of Cougar sightings,pictures,and dead cougars one actually hit by a car about about 12 miles from my house.

In 06' I saw a cougar here a couple miles from my house where we live near a creek which flows into the MO. river. The creek which I live near Cedar creek runs under I-70 on the south side of I-70 there's a christmas tree farm which is owned by a retired professor from the University of MO. his field of study was some type of animal science? He has pictures of cougars in his Christmas tree farm where we cut our annual pine tree right across I-70 just east of Columbia,MO.
Perhaps ??

In Missouri unless they are killing or threatening livestock or a human they are protected.
If one is shot the shooter is to report it imediately.
All wildlife is protected in a state but unless there is a specific law against shooting a Cougar, it's your call. The state woud first have to admit that they even existed in numbers. ... :cool:

I know for a fact, there is no law, in Iowa, that prohibits the shooting of cougars. I recall that a few years ago, a Moose made it down here from Minnesota and a hunter shot it. He reported this to the DNR and although they thought about it, they could not procecute the hunter. .... ;)

It is always wise to contact your local DNR to confirm this information. .. :)

Be Safe !!!
One of the guys recently mentioned he had a wolf howling very close to his blind this year so I was mistaken about no wolves on the land.
Buzzcook is right. Wolves will push out cougars. Biologists are now figuring this out. I wouldn't doubt if some are moving east to get away from the wolves, in fact. What political reasons would a state have to deny that the lions are now in their state? I don't get it.
"What political reasons would a state have to deny that the lions are now in their state?"

People might get scared and want the wildlife people to "Do something!" The word gets out and then the Sierra Club folks want a bunch of protective legislation and a lot of flak comes down on the wildlife agency and the media has a heyday and all that.
The whole situation in many places creates a bit of a circular argument between the "believers" and "agencies".

Several years ago, I had a friend who told me all about a BLACK mountain lion that was in our area. Supposedly "released" by DEC. Didn't matter that I showed him science that said that black mountain lions are genetically impossible. Didn't matter that the DEC denies that 1) they have or ever had plans to release lions, 2)that there are lions in this area, 3) that black lions exist at all, anywhere.

There's was no arguing the point with him. His sister "saw it". If you questioned that maybe she was mistaken, you're calling his sister a liar. His dad had pictures. Can I see the pictures? I'll get one from my dad. Never happens. They saw the DEC with giant traps on their trucks near where people had seen this black lion. DEC denies even OWNING giant traps, say nothing of being where these people said they were.

DEC denials are just part of the conspiracy.

That's the problem with conspiracies. Denial only strengthens the belief of the conspiracy theorists.

That's the "circular" part. More denial means it's more true. Of course, if the DEC admitted it, it would also be true. Therefore, it's always true since denials are a cover up and admitting it makes it obviously true.
What political reasons would a state have to deny that the lions are now in their state?

None really.....but they would be foolish to admit these animals were in the area without sufficient proof. Remember....folks have been reporting sightings of "Bigfoot" for years and claim even tho there is no proof of their existence, that there has been a conspiracy/cover-up.

Where I live in Wisconsin there have been several verified cougar sightings. My son even has a picture of one on his game camera on his property. The cow that was attacked last year was next door to his in-laws where he bow hunts. Funny thing is, these cougars are transients passing thru, having very little influence on the local deer population. My son's success on big bucks with his bow the last few years and our sightings of deer and their sign in these areas are evidence of this. Still, many unsuccessful deer hunters in the area are blaming their lack of success on these killing machines brought in at night by the truckloads by the DNR. They also brag about "gonna shoot every one I see!" Since this is illegal in Wisconsin, this shows the type of sportsman they are. Course they been claiming the same thing about the wolves for the last decade.:rolleyes: Thing is, ain't no cougar or wolf gonna stay in a area where there are no deer. They prefer areas where deer and other game are abundant and easy to take. So if you're seein' cougars/wolves and/or their sign, you are in a area with MANY deer. Just sayin'.

Yesterday I was on some local public land trying to bag a doe with my handgun, when I came across some bird hunters with a large yellow lab. I noticed how easily it could be mistaken for a cougar running thru the woods with it's color and long tail. Hope it didn't run by any cougar haters........

To advocate illegal and irresponsible activities to other hunters is a true sign of what kind of sportsman one really is. When one readily participates in one kind of illegal hunting activity, they generally have no respect for any game laws or regulations. In other words, most violators don't stop at one violation.