No turkey today . . . but . . .

Prof Young

New member
So my IL permit is today through Thursday. Scouted for turkey sign and pulled game camera's about ten days ago only to discover NOTHING. Driving to and from the woods I did see a flock, but in a field I don't have permission to hunt. So I went out today anyway and sat in my comfortable ground blind, called, napped, played games on my phone etc. We can hunt until 1:00 pm, but I gave up at 11:30 am. (Got there before sunrise.) No turkey sounds coming back to me for the whole morning. But on the drive home . . . ta da . . . there they are about a 1/2 mile away and in a field I do have permission to hunt. Will go back there later today and scout out a good place to set up tomorrow. Stay tuned . . .

Life is good.
Prof Young

Good luck Prof. I believe half of success is going through the motions......opportunity will present if you are there to take advantage of it.

Been hunting hard here in 'Bama, I'd rate gobbling activity as low.
No gobblers this time around . . .

I hunted the field where I saw the turkeys two days running and no one responded, found no sign, nothing. I know they were there Monday cause I saw them there. Maybe should have tried to chase them into the woods that day . . . ah well. Life is good.

Prof Young
same same

I'm seeing about the same pattern. Observe or hear birds in one location, but returning the next day....nothing.

My logic is that few hens are on the nest, they are still flocked and ranging about,and the gobblers are tolling along with them. My prediction here in 'Bama is that things will get better later as the hens nest and settle in.

Hope it works that way for both of us!!
Thanks but . . .

Thanks for the encouragement but I only had a tag for the first season. Kind of my mistake. I should have requested one later in the season.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Don't hunt turkey because no one where I was raised knew how too. These days occasionally a neighborhood flock of turkey walks thru my back yard 3-4 times a year. Last count 20 of them with a huge gobbler that's stand-off-ish on the flank of his gals & troops. Surprising how much territory they can cover in a short span of time.

I wish you well Prof Young with you're endeavor.