No SA only DA


I have an old H&R model 732 s&w32 on the barrel. I had the pistol repaired several years ago and it only fires dual action now. Is there anything I can repair on it to make it fire single action again?

Like most H&R revolvers, the 732 has a single action sear separate from the trigger and hammer. It sits in the back of trigger guard and is powered by a small coil spring (older models have a small "V" spring). When the single action does not work, the trouble will lie in that area. Look for a worn or broken sear, a worn sear notch in the hammer (the most expensive part at around $20), or a missing or bent sear spring, Parts are available for the 732 from Gun Parts Corp. ( at a reasonable price and any competent gunsmith should be able to make the repair if you don't feel you can DIY.

(P.S. Reassembly requires use of a short "helper pin" to hold the sear and trigger guard together while re-assembling the gun.)
