No response from seller on


New member
Hi all,

I just created an account on the other day in order to purchase something. I "won" a buy-it-now auction, and immediately contacted the seller, who has an A+/157 rating. This was two days ago, at 6:43 PM. I waited 24 hours and got no response, so I contacted him again. After additional time, I contacted him directly via e-mail, as opposed to going through Still nothing. :mad:

The problem isn't so much the non-response, as much as it is that this leaves me in a holding pattern, not knowing if I should just give up and bid on similar items, or wait to see. Does anyone happen to know how long a buyer must wait before being able to write off the seller as a non-response, without affecting my rating?

I'd try again going through Gunbroker. I'm betting your direct email got caught in his spam filter. He'll have email from Gunbroker going to his inbox unfiltered.
Unfortunately, the first two messages were through gunbroker. I had the opposite thought, thinking perhaps somehow the gunbroker e-mails were getting caught, although this is pretty unlikely for someone who has sold a good deal of things.

My other worry is that I'm making a noob mistake, and not magically knowing that there is some other protocol to follow.
You're doing it right, but some sellers don't see their auction as urgently as some buyers do. I know it's hard to be patient, but give it 3-5 days before you give up.
I believe Gunbroker gives 5 days for the contact and seller to buy each other, though you would think someone wanting to make some money would be more attuned to their e-mails.
It takes the sellers time to respond back, I had something like this happen when I purchased ammo. The guy went out of town and was gone for a week right before I won an auction. I sat tight and 6 days later I got an e mail back.

Give it a few more days, most FFl's are swamped right now , and you will get a reply back.