No RB twist in a shorter barrel?


New member
I got to looking around last night on the web. There are no shorter barrel rifles offered in a slow twist. By short I mean 24" or so. SO what is it. does the slow twist require a long barrel to work effectively? I do love the Lyman GPR, but that sucker is not easy to wield around in a deer stand. I was thinking it would be nice to have a 24" barrel rifle in a 1:66 twist. All of your commercially available short barrel rifles are 1:48". I LIKE slingin ROUND BALL, I could care less about a conical!
Short barrels need more time to set twist !!

You have basically hit on the reason and you actually need a faster twist, on short barrels. Don't be reluctant to accept the faster twist on PRB. My TC White Mountain shoots the PRB's quite well and have taken many deer with it. I could go on about my TC Patriots, shooting "only" PRB's. I also have a Knight Hawkeye that performs the same. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!
A good gunsmith should be able to cut off and re-crown your Lyman GPR barrel. It's not like you are destroying a rare collector's item by doing so.
I shoot PRBs in a 1:48 24" Barrel & It shoots fine. I'd go with what works,rather than rely on theory!

What he said. 1:48 is not an ideal rb twist but they usually do shoot them pretty well. More than good enough to hunt with.