No primers on store shelves here for over one year....


New member
until today that is. CCI small rifle at a local big box retailer. Haven’t seen CCI 400 for well over one year. They also had one box of Federal large rifle magnum. Though both were in VERY limited quantity. Limit one brick. Price was about normal at $38 per 1000 brick. Good to see that.
I got some earlier this year. snagged 2000 #41s a couple weeks back. have not seen small pistol, but large rifle, large rifle magnum, large pistol magnum, and small rifle have been available sporadically at the little shop I frequent.
Well, that beats $200 per brick. Small shops gotta make their profit somewhere which usually results in higher prices.
Its a great little shop. Been going there for years. He has a set margin. Only time his prices go up, is if he has to pay more for the product himself. And he always orders way ahead on election years. Generally has a good stock of powder as well, and has been getting in bullets regularly. Primers are the only thing that are hit and miss. I consider myself beyond fortunate for the shop. Its a 2hr drive now, was closer when I was growing up. I make the pilgrimage about twice a month.