No press reloading


New member
I was given something pretty cool today. Has anyone ever used one of these?

This particular one is for 30 06 casings. I’m definitely gonna try it out. Comes with everything to load a cartridge with the exception of a rubber hammer.
An untold number of shooters started with their reloading with that. Only downsides are that it is slow and only neck sizes the cases.
The only slightly famous whack a mole Lee loader, yes slow and neck sizing is a good thing, as long as the rounds are to be fired in the same rifle.
Oh I’m sure they aren’t fast. I’ll just it for the hobby part and because it seems cool to do. He said he can do 30-40
An hour when he loaded. I don’t own a rifle yet tho haha
I would love to know how many of us started reloading with one ...

I Did , it was 1965 , I asked my Dad if I could borrow $10 for the Lee Loader ...
He handed me a $20 and said I would need it to buy bullets and the other stuff !
I was so Happy ... I Thanked him and told him I would pay him back ... he just looked at me and smiled ... didn't say a word !
A few weeks of hammering and shooting led to a Lyman Spartan press and we been reloading ever since .

Lee still makes them ... called the Lee Classic Loader ...
also known as ... Lee Whack-A-Mole Reloader !
If you can find one, the more elaborate Zero Error version of the Lee Loader made by the old Lee Manufacturing incarnation of the company was very good. I drilled cloverleaves from my triple deuce Remington 600 all the time when loading with that tool.
had them. sold them. now im a happy loader.
hated the dippers.
lose one and your loading was over.
lets see if this stirs memories for some........
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Me too!

I started with the wack-a-mole loader in 44 mag. Was trying to learn to handgun hunt and off the shelf ammo was 80 cents a round. Got the Lee classic and got the cost down to 30 cents. Now I load a dozen calibers and have a bulging ammo closet. Have worn out two presses. A single stage and a turret. Gotta love it.

Life is Good
Prof Young

P. S. wear hearing protection, safety glasses and gloves when you seat the primer.
"An Ideal tong tool precedes that by decades."

My first set up back in 1054 was the tong tool. I still have it and have dies for most of the cartridges I reload. None of mine have a mold though. Like the Lee, they neck size only but you could buy a full length die that you pounded the shell into the die to full length resize. I have one for the 30-06. bout the only one I use very much anymore is the 30-30 set. I'll run up a couple hundred Lyman #311284 cast bullet and lube and size them. Then I'll run a box or two 30-30 brass with the Tong tool do the powder charges then seat the bullets. Usually light pinking load for a day in the desert. Usually pack a Colt SAA .45 and the old (1911 issue) Winchester and take a leisurely trip back in time. Kind of nice as a way to escape the pressures of modern day life. Works for me anyway but the jackrabbits hate me.
Paul B.