I still like the old 158 SWC .357 load, too
I long ago bought a Saeco four cavity mould, and the bullet it produces fast became my favorite. It throws a long nose bullet which, using wheel weights hardened a bit with linotype metal, weigh out at 162 grains. It looks almost identical to the middle bullet in ISP2605's image. I had previously used a Lyman-Ideal two cavity mould (No. 358156???) but it had a shorter nose, and really didn't hold up as well at long range as the Saeco bullet.
I worked up a fairly warm load with the Saeco bullet and 2400 powder, and it doesn't lead unduly. My all around favorite, though, is 7.0 gr. of Unique. In keeping with my own rule, though, I should post the obligatory warning: CAUTION: this load is above published maximums and you use it at your own risk, etc. In fact, however, the same manuals show FAR hotter loads of Unique with 158 gr. jacketed bullets. I can only assume that the lesser loads for the lead bullet have to do with avoiding lead deposits in the barrel.
Since I retired and am not limited to use of factory ammo, my carry .357 is loaded with four of the 7.0 gr. Unique load up before two hot factory JHPs. The revolver is a Smith M65 three inch, and the handload is accurate and, I believe, adequately powerful.
This same bullet in a .38 Special case is loaded over a load of Unique which I hesitate to list, even with warnings. Suffice it to say, it is too hot for alloy frame snubbies which are usually loaded with factory 158 LSWCHP+P. (Though I use FAR milder handloads for practice in the little pocket revolvers.)