No New Year's Resolutions?


New member
I know, I never fully keep them either. My continuing resolution is to get one, maybe two loads for every caliber I shoot. And I actually made some progress last year. Only a little load development to complete, then the choices. And I did trim the herd, a couple dozen gone.

Mainly, though:

1) Improve my pistol shooting. I have and will send a number to a new home, with the purpose to quit foolin' around and start shootin'.

2) Crank up the electric thrower I bought two (three?) years ago, and have some fun with shotguns. And shoot some Sporting Clays.

3) Hit a 600 yard target consistently with a hunting load, 1,000 with a purpose built target load.

What's your plan?
I’d like to build a proper shooting range, currently have the space, but it is a hardwood forest. I’d be happy with 100m with a proper backstop. I shoot in my backyard but distance is limited due to the dense nature of the vegetation.
I'm gonna try to get back into shooting. Since I got into a car wreck 1/2/20,a heart attack in 21 and cancer in 22 I haven't been able to get out and burn any powder. Very frustrating. The last shot I fired was at just about sundown in 12/27/19 when I got my cow elk. Just have to wait until they replace the valve in my heart. Probably need some healing time after but the I'm going to do some shooting.
Paul B.
My new year's resolution is to watch facebook marketplace in about 3-4 months, in order to pick up cheap exercise equipment that has only been used once.

Though I said that first line as a joke about the failure of the most common resolutions, the closest I have to a resolution is to get in better shape so I can feel more confident about approaching certain semi-local long range matches that require a lot of hiking with all of your gear.
Like PRS, but you're hiking up a mountain in the process (from ~5,000 to ~6,000 ft) and they don't want you to have any more rest than you find a way to make for yourself (like hurrying to the next stage while someone else is still shooting it).
Fire a stage -> pack up and hike to next stage -> unpack and fire -> pack and hike -> unpack and fire -> pack and hike...

I am sure that I could do it now, but I am worried that my heart and respiration rates would still be higher than desired. I'd prefer to regain some stamina and not have to fight my own body for a steady sight picture.

Otherwise, I just want to have more fun at local rimfire matches. I have reached a plateau and identified new (and old) areas that need improvement. Luckily, most of the work for those improvements can be done with any rifle, not just the "match" rifles. So I can have fun while doing it.