No more rimfires in Kalfornia?? Ruger MkII's also?


New member
So I'm at the gun store yesterday, and the guys telling me that the Sig Trailside is not going to be sold after Jan 1 because it most rimfires won't pass the drop test. Also, it's questionable if the Sig P-series will pass because it doesn't have a manual decocker nor an external safety.

So I asked about the Ruger 22/45's.. They said "we don't know" because most rimfires won't pass a drop test. ???

Someone help me out here, is this true? If so, I'm going to have to buy one this week! Damn, there was a sale last week and I missed it too... Arrg...

Can someone confirm or deny?

Thanks! Hey Diane Fienstein, you can kiss my (!*#%&#(*%& !!

Sorry... someone has to say it..

Great living in the Peoples Republic, eh? :)

You may want to check the following link periodically -

This is the CA DOJ list of handguns currently approved for sale in CA after December 31. There are a number of Rugers on it.

RE: Sig Trailside. For me, the best fitting 22 I ever shot. Only reason I passed on buying one was that I had a Ruger 22/45 and unfortunately I had other handgun-purchase priorities. There is always a chance that the Sig will be tested for sale in CA at a later date. Have you tried contacting Sig to see if they will be submitting the pistol for testing?

Listening to some of the folks in gun shops around here, one could get the impression the even rocks won't be allowed for sale after 12/31. :)
You will have no problem getting a Ruger .22. That's why I passed on the sale.
Sigs are another matter. They do have a manual decocker, but no external safety. My priority will be to buy another one of these before they are.
Go to the web site that Koolau posted.
You will also notice an absense of Glocks. It will be interesting to see how the State handles this one, simce at least 1/3 of the state's police forces are armed with Glocks. Imagine the liability factor of LEOs using firearms known to the state as being inherently unsafe. Even if they are given an exception, imagine what a good lawyer and sympathetic jury could do.
By the way, gun shops are about the worst places to pick up good information. You'll get more in 10 minutes on these boards than all day at the shop.
It's amazing what gun store owners will say to sell a gun. Nukem, don't worry. The Sigs and Glocks will both be for sale in Kalifornia after the first of the year. The DOJ made an exception for both (although they do have to go through the testing). Sig has already submitted guns for the process and Glock will. Don't believe the rumors. Check out the website but don't be too frightened by the language. There will be many exceptions!
We told you so

It seems to me a while ago us Massachusetts TFL'ers told everyone to watch out. This isn't gonna stop in Kali either. It will come to your state also. What is happening now is that states are "borrowing" from other states. Now on the menu in Mass, a ballistic fingerprint, to be provided by the manufacturer on all new gun sales. If this one goes through I will move to Cuba. By the way if gun manufacturers want to survive they won't be able to do it by making 50 different guns, one for each state. At some point they will all have these features. Also new Glocks are not for sale in Mass, they are inherently unsafe, unless you are a police officer, but only when you are on duty. You see when a police officer is off duty he has to carry a preban or Mass approved new gun. This means they have to buy a used (made before 10/21/98) Glock, HK, Baretta, Taurus,or 1911 clone, or buy a new S&W, or Mass compliant Sig. If you check Sig's website you will see that they not only make a Mass compliant gun, but a Maryland compliant gun, and unmodified pistols.
Thanks people! Good. Because I wanted to buy a Browning BPS before I buy a Ruger .22, but I would have had to switch that around because of SB 15.

I think the law is one thing, enforcing it will be a much more difficult task...

Oh, I love the "Glocks probably won't pass, because they are unsafe, but we'll give them to all our cops". The irony is just great...

I feel a bit better now...I can sleep tonight..
