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Huge Net for Deadbeat Dads Catches Privacy Criticism
By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
As part of a new and aggressive effort to track down
parents who owe child support, the federal government has
created a vast computerized data-monitoring system that
includes all individuals with new jobs and the names,
addresses, Social Security numbers and wages of nearly every
working adult in the United States.

All this to track down dead-beat Dads? Yeah right and I invented the Internet ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
According to the article, ..."the federal government has created a vast computerized data-monitoring system that includes all individuals with new jobs and the names, addresses, Social Security numbers and wages of nearly every working adult in the United States. Government agencies have long gathered personal information for specific reasons, such as collecting taxes. But never before have federal officials had the legal authority and technological ability to locate so many Americans found to be delinquent parents -- or such potential to keep tabs on Americans accused of nothing...."

I have ZERO love for dead beat Dads, but I see this as the next step:

How long will it take the administration and our congree-critters to put together, 1)dead-beat dads (& moms); 2) violence in the home; and 3) gun control. Whenm they do, they will attempt to make the following insane (and quite normal for Washington) analogy -

"Dead Beat Dads commit XX% of the violent and feloneous crimes in America so until they are 100% caught up in all child support payments and court decreed commitments, will they be permitted to OWN, BUY, or Handle a weapon......

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
When I applied for my deer and elk tags this year, I found out that my social security number was now required by FEDERAL LAW, ostensibly to find deadbeat dads. Yeah right. Every hunter who applied for a rifle hunt is now on the rolls as a gun owners.
Big Brother strikes again.
I wonder how many other states now have this requirement?
Paul B.
I don't recall the name of the Act, but I believe it is true that collecting all of these social security numbers ('SSN') is being done to find 'dead beat' dads.

Years ago I was the victim of what is called 'true identity fraud'. Some low life got hold of my SSN, rented an apartment in CA under my name, got a telephone in my name, and even got Bank of America to send him a credit card linked to my SSN, but with his alias on it. He was eventually busted in Kansas City MO, and prosecuted by the Secret Service (don't ask me - they apparently handle this type of fraud). It took me about 2 years to straighten out my credit. As you can imagine, I became one of the most careful folks around when someone asked for my SSN - the answer was usually 'no'.

Then we decided we had to find dead beat dads. Now I've had to provide my SSN to renew my CPA certificate. And, I had to provide it for my hunting permits. I hear that I'll have to provide it when I renew my drivers license.

Oh, but it's OK ... we're 'doing it for the children'. Why don't we just cut to the chase, become an out and out dictatorship, and then those poor kids won't have to wait so long? ;)

I'll show you how far this foolishness has gone. Last Autumn I had surgery, and since I was likely to lose a fair amount of blood, I went to the blood clinic to have my own blood drawn for use in the operation. They call this an autologous donation, as I recall. In the interview process they asked for my SSN. I told them that information was private. They said they needed it to make sure the blood got to the right guy. Eventually they caved, and drew the blood.

The next day I received a call from the administrator. She said the blood they drew could not be used in my operation. When I inquired why, she said it was because they didn't have my SSN. I nearly came through the phone! She tried to tell me this was an FDA reg. I asked for a copy. She couldn't provide one. Finally, after suggesting they speak with my attorney, we got it settled and I was able to use the blood.

It is getting much tougher, but my friendly advice to my friends on TFL is don't give your social security number to anyone without knowing that you absolutely must divulge that information. Believe me ... with your name, SSN and a couple of other easily-obtained bits of info about you, I can ruin your credit and steal quite a bit. I don't do that kind of thing, but I assure you, we apparently have plenty of folks that will.

And now, thanks to our federal government, it is easier than ever. But don't feel too badly ... we're 'doing it for the children'. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 27, 1999).]
Since no SSN is required to live or work in this country, how about just saying to all these agencies that ask for the number "I don't have one"?

Unless they can prove otherwise (and if they could, they wouldn't need to ask for the number) what can they do?

Or what about giving them an obviously bogus number, like 000000000?

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited June 29, 1999).]
You think they didn't have this already?

They just called it the IRS...

Jeez - I had an Audit last year and they had record of a short job I took for only 8 days!

Believe me - all of our lives are an open book. There is no privacy. Dont expect it. Dont trust it.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Actually a SSN is required to KEEP a job. Your employer is under criminap penalties to provide the number.
You almost have to have a number for your newborn to take the child home from the hospital.
And try to claim a child without a number as a dependent on your 1040.
I was surfin one evening and came across something about Elvis memorabilia going to the rock and roll hall of fame or somesort and it showed his social security card.
The next time I was asked for a number I gave Elvis' number.A few days later a government agent called me about it. It seems that they have flagged numbers of various celebrities,politicians etc and investigate the use of certain numbers.
I am not joking.
Big brother is serious about enumeration.Can the microchip be far behind?

Better days to be,

If you do the research, you will find that an SSN is not required, and exemptions are made for employers if an employee does not supply an SSN for a legal reason.
Would a valid reason be, "I refuse to comply!"?


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

At the risk of sounding "off base", "unfeeling", "lacking in who knows what", or a "smart ass", reading through complaints about abuse of Social Security Numbers, exactly what it is, though an abuse of the law abiding, might be more to the point, how many of you have raised hell about this routine with your "elected things".

Catching "dead beat dads, or moms" is a load of crap. How many have been caught anyhow? The government that lacks trust in it's citizens, does not deserve the trust of it's citizens, and likely does not have it anyhow.

The name of the game is plainly control. That which has been duly registered, can be controlled more easily, it is the unregistered things and people that/who are troublesome to the self annointed elite.

You're right Alan. Deanf. Where do you get the notion that you don't have to have an SS#? Back inthe 60's, the Federal goons went after the Amish people because they did not have SS#'s They fought it in court and lost. They now have to pay into SS, although because of their religion, they will never use it. I distinctly remember that.
The law for giving your SS# for the deadbeat dad thing is:
Federal Requirement, 42 U.S.C. Section 666 A13.
Hmmmm. Section 666? SS#'s? Is Slick Willie the Antichrist? Kinda makes one think, don't it?
Paul B.

[This message has been edited by Paul B. (edited July 01, 1999).]
Let's put things in perspective and look at it this way:
1) Your employee can demand your private information
2)Your employee can enforce the process of getting said info
3)Your employee can destroy your reputation and your life, and take your assets
4) Your employee can destroy your familiy's future
5)Your employee can legally kill you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that the federal laws passed to create the SS Administration also contained language which made it illegal for anyone's SSN to be used for identification purposes by any entity other than the SSA. Do we now find ourselves in a situation in which federal law requires that we break federal law? Apparently so.

Right is wrong.
Wrong is right.
Good is bad.
Bad is good.
Up is down.
Down is up.
Left is right.
Right is left.
Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything.
Have I got it correct now? (And people wonder what's wrong with the country. Why should the government expect the citizens to obey the law if the government won't?)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
Form 4473 requires your SSN -- Try leaving that spot blank sometime and see if you get to leave with a new toy!


Several years ago in Indiana, your SSN was ALSO you Drivers License number...
i read that form 4473 will require your SSN in 2000 but it is optional till then

forget where i read that
might have been claire wolfes book
ever notice:

the devil is in the details

Re the lengthy post of Washington Post story on computer data banks, and the latest war cry of the self annointed elite, "Do it for the children", I'm given to recall another "war cry", which went as follows: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel". Anyone see the connection, or am I the only one who takes a "dim" view of things??
