No more Kimber Compacts?


Retired Screen Name
I went to my local gun shop today to find out the price on a new Kimber Compact Aluminum. He called his distributer for a price and was told that the Compacts were to be discontinued this year. Also, he would not be
getting any more in and if I wanted one I had better get it now.

Has anybody heard anything about this?

Haven't heard a thing. Not to call anyone a liar but the phrase "If you want one you'd better get it now" sounds suspiciously like someone trying to make a sale.
unfortunately, tis true for the compact aluminum ONLY. just found out today from a reliable source, that the plain non-sexy compact aluminum (my favorite) has fallen victim to its newer, hotter siblings like the limited edition guns and the ultra and pro carry series. they've decided to yank the compact aluminum in black, and offer only the compact aluminum stainless- in my opinion a dumb move, but all i can do is mope.
on a good note, they've decided to offer nitesites as a standard option on the full size custom and stainless pretty soon - but get this, only those two models. someone should check the water in ny...


tactical accessories for self-defense and le

[This message has been edited by skdtac (edited January 05, 2000).]
There is a qualitative difference between "discontinuing the Compact model" and discontinuing the non-stainless Compact Aluminum.
oops, sorry rikwriter.
didn't mean to make it seem that all the compacts are being drained- i guess my first sentence made it seem so.

tactical accessories for self-defense and le
Well dang. I like the Compact Aluminum as it is. From the statement given, it would have been difficult to differentiate between Compacts or just Compact Aluminum blue or park only as being discontinued. In defense of my dealer, he was relating what they were telling him. Was not to crazy about the price I was quoted, a full $130 over what I was expecting, not including sales tax.

Guess I will have to do some serious looking around now. Thanks for the info.
