No More Gun Laws and a Rosie Petition…


New member
Is it no wonder that we have the polarizing issue of the second amendment moving two distinct groups further apart in this country. In the wake of the horrible crimes in Littleton, Colorado many ill-informed but sincerely concerned people are clamoring for more gun laws. They obviously do not understand that at least 19 gun laws were broken, and passage of one, ten or 100 more laws would not have deterred the killers. Laws can only punish violators, not prevent them from committing illegal acts.
Too many of the 20,000 gun laws in the US are NOT being enforced. In Utah last year 3,767 people ineligible to buy a gun were denied permission to do so by the "Brady check." Exactly ZERO cases were prosecuted by either state or Federal authorities for this felony offense. In every case there was a written document with the perpetrator's signature, home address, and drivers license number. There was an eye witness to the offense, and their exact location was known to authorities when the attempt was reported. Busting criminals on charges like that is easier than eating a doughnut but ZERO arrests and prosecutions took place. In the entire U.S. there were less than a dozen prosecutions although the Clinton folks are screaming for more laws and brag that they stopped over 100,000 such attempts. BULL!
In light of all this, I telephoned one of my Senators offices (California's Diane Feinstein) this morning to make my feelings known. Because I am pro-gun, I was treated absolutely terribly. I swear to God, I will do everything in my power to fight the political cancer that has invaded our country.

On the Rosie O'Donnel problem. Want to let someone know how you feel about gun control ??? Check this out.... Let em know we don't appreciate that kind of talk...
What bothers me is that the real reporting of the outcomes of these instant check denials. How many of these were from people with similar names that required more information? How many wrong addresses? How many were transposed numbers during the info input, ie. a "34" instead of the correct "43"? It's my understanding that any number of things can cause an initial delay or denial, and this is the only number that's being reported. I'd tell Bubba, Butch Reno, Mr. Freeh-bird, HCI, Sarah and her pull-toy that there will be NO more gun laws because the current ones are never prosecuted. Make them rationally and scientifically prove that laws will make a difference. They can't, plain and simple, and the argument should be moot at this point. Unfortunately for the warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely fence-sitters and sheeple, they refuse to listen to pure logic. Where is Spock when you need him?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.