No More Excuses!


New member
Okay, I've finally lost it. I am so sick of sitting back and whining as I watch this country fall to pieces to others doing the same. There are so many good people left that are of the opinion that they shouldn't have to make a huge effort just to get the politicians to protect their freedom and preserve their way of life. For a long time I have agreed with them, but I've finally had enough and realized that we need someone to stand up for those who are too busy living their lives, putting food on the table and paying taxes, to bother with "politics". I have decided to get active in the system at the state level. I realize this will affect (negatively) my income and time, but I can't sit by and watch this anymore. I am beginning the research and networking that I believe is necessary to run for office, and I believe this forum is an "un-tapped resource" of support. I am looking for ideas, not $$$, so relax. With the availability of the internet and various other forms of "free" media, this is a better time than any to finally begin electing people who truly and honestly support the PEOPLE the way the Constitution intended. I encourage those of you who can, to get active in politics in your area, in whatever way you can, and make a difference. I believe the future of America depends on good honest people getting over the idea that "politics aren't for me" and getting active. This is what our founding fathers had in mind - not a seperate ruling class, but a government "of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE". Please send you feedback and let me know what you think, and share any ideas you may have. Thank you.
Go for it!

I live in Nevada and am retired, so I have time available to promote your campaign in whatever way would be useful to you.
Good for you! If you folks in California can turn the tide, it will very likely help those of us in the rest of the U.S. There are already a number of good efforts there already. I would assume you will check many of them out, such as veto the Governor, Puckett's civil disobedience, the shall-issue CCW work, etc. - I'm sure DC and many others can provide specific examples.

As I noted in another thread, I now believe it is time for us to bury the anti-self defense side in pro-RKBA legislation. Those b******s have been running the RKBA ragged - let's make they fight defense for awhile. For some serious, and some tongue-in-cheek ideas, also see the Sunshine Gun Laws:

Good luck to you, and I'm glad to hear you are 'engaged'.
Absolutely Spydy!

One great aspect of political discussions in the public forum is that (with proper media attention - do I need to say that again?) at the very least, you get to reach more people with your views & hopefully, sway some minds.
From my own political experiences (which are quite varied):

1. Find a handful of people that you can trust with your life. Put them in positions of responsibility within your campaign.

2. Treat the electorate as adults. Yes, this is actually a new concept in modern-day America. Tell folks the unvarnished truth, but not in a condescending manner like some are wont to do.

3. Develop a grassroots organization. I have seen people power overcome money so many times that I have lost count.

4. Grow a thick skin. You're going to take some criticism, and a lot of it will be unfair with some outright lies sprinkled in. DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE DARK SIDE! Stay on the high road of ideas and ideals. The only thing that I would do is to point out, politely, that your opponent is stooping to namecalling and slanderous accusations because s/he doesn't have an ideological leg on which to stand.

5. Personally, I would steer clear of campaign "consultants", especially if you are going to be running on a tight budget. Besides, do you really need someone to tell you how to speak your mind? If you want to know how the people feel on an issue (a "poll") ASK THEM YOURSELF! The only consultant I would use would possibly be a public relations type who has good connections in the print/radio field in your area. But I would be paying for the connections and not the advice, myself.

6. Ask questions of the people who you seek to represent. This will make them think, and once you have them thinking you can really get into their gray matter. One of my personal favorites when addressing an audience has been to ask the question "How many of you believe that your tax rate is too low?"

I haven't had a hand go up yet in response to that one.

If you would like to e-mail me off-line, I would be happy to share more.
Thanks for the encouragement and advice. The deeper I look into this, the more I realize how much work is involved. Of course, I am also getting excited about the prospect of bringing about change, if nothing else, just by making people think. Feel free to e-mail me with any ideas you may have too. Thanks again.