No longer a Shiner virgin!

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New member
Off topic? ppppffffftttttttt..

At any rate.. I ask forgiveness for all the individuals that mentioned their love of a good beer (Shiner) and suggested such. I didn't take any of ya'll seriously and surely thought I would dislike the beer in the long run. But, while standing in the aisle of a local Kroger, I saw two 6-packs on the shelf, and decided I just couldn't live without trying it.

And I did..

And it was just absolutely beautiful. :D Thanks guys! I'll never doubt TFL members again? Well, except for when FUD decides to deliver some "advice." ;)

President, FUD's Fan Club.
I USED TO love shiner. Back in NJ I had close to an arce of grass and a push mower. Every time I emtied the bag, I took a gulp of shiner (about three gulps to a 12 ounce bottle). By the time I was finished with the lawn, I had consumed about half a case of shiner and was well on my way to being drunk -- Ahhh, the good old days when life was simple and care free!
As a Shiner-lover, this breaks my heart; but as you said,

"Off topic? ppppffffftttttttt.."
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