
I am allways thinking about a way to get the idiots to take notice of us law abiding gun owners. I just wonder what would happen if nobody bought a hunting license in 2000. Instead send your money to help NRA fight for our rights. Do you know how much money the feds. would loose for that one year? Do you know how much it would help pro-gunner.
Just wondering, Race
That's one hell of a neat idea, man. But we'd have to work on people like my dad. No way he'd forgo a hunting license to help RKBA. He just somehow figures it doesn't apply to him because all he wants to do with his is hunt (he has a huge collection but doesn't keep a gun loaded or even inside the house--they're all outside in lockup.) I keep telling him that'll get him in trouble when the anti's change their tack, and they will, because hunting is NOT a right, at least not one mentioned in the Constitution.

Could we set a target year, like 2001 or 2002, to do this? That way, everybody you convert has time to make converts. If we start now we have some time on the 2001 licenses as I think most are bought in late summer or fall, right?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Remember that the funds go through the feds, not to them. The Pittman-Robinson and Dingell-Johnson monies go to the states, pro-rated as a function of how many hunting/fishing licenses are sold.

This is a major part of wildlife protection and research funding. Even if I were to quit hunting and fishing I would continue to buy the licenses. You sure get funny looks from the Sierra Club types when you point out that this is one of the few public sources of "save the animals" money which actually goes to the benefit of wildlife.

I spread out $200 to $300 a year for a few of the pro-gun outfits. Sometimes more, if I put some sort of good $ deal together...
I go along with Art. The money from licenses is ear marked by law to go for wildlife consevation and research. Along with excise taxes on firearms and archery tackle, this makes up the bulk of funding for conservation programs. Shooters and hunters provide more money for these programs than any "Bambist" ever thought of.
If we stop buying licenses, we'll be cutting our own throats.
This is a good idea - but I dont want to have to Cut Off a hand to strengthen the arm.
Lets look at it another way.
Take moneys from other things and apply it to RKBA.
Like CABLE TV. The Media can BITE ME. Not just Media - there are other areas you can hit... Hollywood in general - Movie tickets, or anything else dealing with Hollywood.
National Parks - Entrance Fees at a National Park? That ticks me off big time. movie tickets - cable - fees for public lands... hoe much do you guys spend on that stuff in a year?
Some guys would save enough to by a NRA LIFE MEMBERSHIP - others maybe at least enough to do a years membership - or make extra donations. Do this with other areas as well...

With so many gun owners in the US - we should see a PRO GUN Commercial or program at least every time we se a commercial for AOL or toilet paper or Dodge Ram pickup trucks...

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!