No handguns from Wal-Mart


New member
I found out that Wal-Mart recently stopped special ordering handguns for people. Wal-Mart has comment cards, and I wrote a message to the president of the stores. Not that it will make a difference, but perhaps we should all do the same, the next time we are in Wal-Mart.
That doesnt surprise me. I am surprised Walmart even sells ammo or long arms. There is a rumor going around that Hillary owns stock in Walmart. I am amazed how many of these Walmarts are around in even small areas where they seem to be building them right next to each other. I go to Walmart like everyone else but i wonder sometimes about all the jobs LOST when a Walmart is built. This may sound like a conspiracy theory but under a Y2k breakdown,would all these Walmarts that are being built everyday around the country be used as government food centers? Come to Walmart,people, and get your government cheese and water.
Still--- they're NOT K-Mart.

Best is to support your local gun shop. The personal service you get is worth the slight increase in price. If you have a Wal Mart that has someone at the gun counter tha actually KNOWS firearms, you have an anomally!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
I have always bought my guns from my neighborhood local dealer, Bob. His prices may not be as cheap as Wal-Mart, but if you buy from him he will fix it if he can. When the Yahoos come in with their Wal-Mart specials to have him fix them, he asks why they didn't take them back to where they bought them. The answer? "Wal-Mart only sends them back to the warranty station."
Bob says, "That's what I'm going to do too."

[This message has been edited by bruels (edited August 03, 1999).]
Never bought a gun at WalMart, but I have compaired their prices and dealers prices. Last two guns I bought, a GP100 & a Ruger Bisley were actually priced $50-75 higher at Wally World than at two local gun dealers.
Let me see. These stores hate you, hate your beliefs, and are helping to destroy your rights. And you buy there. And pay MORE? All the nuts aren't on the anti side.

Hello all,

I have imposed a personal ban on Wal-mart, I will not buy anything from them.The problem I have with them goes deeper than sporting goods.They build their stores in small town USA and under cut long term established retail outlets, driving them out of business.Then they have the gall to pat themselves on the back and brag about how they're improving the community.What a crock of $#*^!.
These areas got along fine without them.Why would they need them now?There have been instances of businesses owned by families for decades pushed out of the market by W_mart.Eliminating commerce using the barter system ( goods or services for same)seriuosly disrupts the fragile market place of these small communities.
I could say alot more about this subject but I am getting dizzy from the high altitude of my soapbox.
Thanks for the ear.
Jeff A.
Could you provide a link or some more information about this "barter system" at Wall-mart? I've never heard of it and am interested in learning more.

Far from eliminating commerce, I would say that barter is just another way to exploit the so-called "free market." You have something I want. We both agree what I should give you for it (either some of our worthless but respected american dollars, or something else you find valuable (goods or services)) and we make the exchange. What's wrong with that?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Congratulations deanf,you get a passing grade on ancient economics. :)I'm not sure you understood my position on bartering so I will draw a clearer picture.
I know wally-mart does not practice bartering.I'm sure I can't cut hay for local w-mart manager in trade for a new television.This is but one example.I'm sure you get the idea.Another reason I like barter is for tax relief.That's a different can of worms that would need seperate forum altogether.
I am done,there should be no doubt my position on this subject.Not to mention it is drifting from firearms.
Wal-mart bad,barter good.

[This message has been edited by Bodeen (edited August 07, 1999).]
I'm confused. The victim of a simple misunderstanding, I'm sure. In your first post you wrote "Eliminating commerce using the barter system ( goods or services for same)seriuosly (sic) disrupts the fragile market place of these small communities." So I take this to mean you don't like the "barter system" and I also infer that you somehow attribute this "barter system" to Wall-mart.

In your last post you say "Another reason I like barter is for tax relief."

I'm sure you can see how I might be confused.
Fair enough deanf,I could have worded my position better.wth yhay neimh daod,see there I go again. :o :)

Oh,BTW I like your webpage.Who's Rosie?
Oh yes,I like to refer to her as a hippo all @$$ and mouth.
People like her chap my back-side using their public position to mis-inform the sheeple about politics and gun issues.
Like she's an expert.NOT
There I go,standing on that box again. :)
Must have something to do with being short. (Vertically challenged)for you political correctness advocates.I can't stand those people.
I would like to offer a sincere apology to all hippopotamus's in the world.That was a tasteless comparison.Truly I am sorry.

No smiley faces.

In reading Bodeen's post I understand him to be saying that he enjoyed the bartering that he could do with the local/family owned business that were in business before the introduction of Wal-Mart. With Wal-Mart now doing business in town, many of the smaller, family-run, businesses that would allow bartering are no longer around. Like the majority of large retail companies, Wal-Mart does not do bartering. Thus many, previously non-tracable purchases (thus, non-taxable) now create a paper trail because he must use the monopoly money our government "allows" us to use.

Clear as mud, I'm sure! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."