No Guns Allowed here!


I was thinking about starting up a blog or website to track both businesses that are anti-gun and businesses who are gun friendly. Does anyone know if such a thing already exists.

The point is to promote a gun friendly atmosphere and boycott the no guns allowed crowd. I realize it is a persons right to say I cant come in armed but at the same time it is my right to help them see the financial impact of such an error

There are obviously some semantics to work out.

My thoughts would be submit a picture of their sign and basic contact information. We can call locations and ask what their policy is on customers coming in armed. Post can be tagged confirmed or unconfirmed. The picture thing would work well in blog format otherwise If I wrote an application it would take a day or so to do and all that could be worked in.. I would also provide a way to be removed if you decided to correct your errors....

The other concern would be moderation if such a thing took off. I would be happy to call and check on a light load but hundreds a day may become a challenge.
I would also provide a way to be removed if you decided to correct your errors....

It would be interesting to advise the "anti" business' of their status and tell them that they can be removed by taking a different stance if they are so inclined. I wonder if any of them would care.

It's a pretty decent idea, IMO. Getting the word out would be trick.

Of course, in some places it's meaningless because the business has no right to ban CC in the first place.
Of course, in some places it's meaningless because the business has no right to ban CC in the first place

Doesn't really matter. Here in FLA, companies can't prevent you from carrying, but if they're putting up "NO GUNS" signs, I'd still prefer to take my business elsewhere.
I live in NY too, oddly enough neither have I. Then again most of my co-workers, classmates, etc are astounded that I am carrying a tiny boot knife. "Holy crap where did you get one of those?!?!?" I am pretty sure some places have rules against it but most assume nobody has weapons.

A++ Idea on the website though.
false premise

I realize it is a persons right to say I cant come in armed but at the same time it is my right to help them see the financial impact of such an error

Actually, this line of thinking is part of the problem. First, allow me to define a "right" as a freedom of action. Why is it their right to keep you out of their premises if you are armed? How does being armed violate their property rights? By being armed, are you destroying their property somehow? Are you preventing them from doing what they wish with their property?

Now, what's the point of "right to carry" if everyone can decide to post "no guns" signs. There's no freedom to carry in that case. Your freedom to carry does not infringe on the business owners freedom to do business. They'd never even know you're carrying since its concealed.

Oh yeah, and most large companies have "site policies" regarding not being able to bring firearms onto work properties. Not sure about compliance in NY (I think it's high), but when I lived in Idaho, I know for a fact people kept firearms in their vehicles.
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Here's a thought...

See if you can find a business with a sign like this;
No Shirt
No Shoes
No Gun
No Service

Don't think you will, but good luck.

A grey area, with businesses, because they can be both a private owned place, and yet a public place.

I do actually support the business's right to set their store policy. They aren't infringing on me, because I don't have to go there. Unlike come govt buildings where by law I may have to go, which prohibit my bearing arms.

Your idea is a good one, but also consider all the businesses that may not post signs, but actively contribute to the anti-gun agenda. Do some reasearch, and I think you'll be surprised how many big corporations are on that list. or website to track both businesses that are anti-gun and businesses who are gun friendly..............

Thats a great idea. Not only would it inform us of what business to boycott it might also save us a unecessary trip. Save some gas money to buy better things elsewhere
I agree the signs are rare, but I have seen them. Besides the unintentionally ironic ones posted at gun stores, I have seen them at 2 car dealerships and one at a doctor's office. They both stress "for the safety of our employees and customers, this is a gun free zone."

Until a BG decides to ignore the sign. Then safety's pretty much out the window.

I like the idea...just submited to your blog as a gun supporting site. It's a site dedicated to bartering/swapping and is getting nig very fast, especially among gun users.

Check it out and tell others about it for thier firearm ads and other things too.
Until a BG decides to ignore the sign. Then safety's pretty much out the window.

Why would the bad guy obey the sign? The sign only restricts the good guy that has followed the laws of the land. If I were a BG I would carry out all my business at the places that have "No Guns" sign posted. Would be a safe place to rob, no guns except the BG's.
Why would the bad guy obey the sign? The sign only restricts the good guy that has followed the laws of the land. If I were a BG I would carry out all my business at the places that have "No Guns" sign posted. Would be a safe place to rob, no guns except the BG's.

That's exactly what I meant, I just didn't say it well.
just curious how you could attract the two together. Its like getting the pro & anti abortion crowd to go bowling...guns are a very touchy subject to some.
This is an excellent thread because as some one mentioned, if your state law says you can carry a concealed weapon and you are licensed to do so, how can a private entity prevent you from doing so? There are certain places that my state law says I may NOT carry a gun, like onto a schoolyard, even with a CCW permit, which I have. There are different points of view on that, but I understand the intent of the law. But there are a few other establishments in my home town that are not on the list of places the state law mentions as gun free zones that have put one of those red circles with a gun in it crossed over and the words No Guns Allowed written on their doors. If I carried a gun onto their premises, have I broken a law? Or am I just somebody that they consider a social undesirable that they would rather not have in their place of business? (Hey, I'm for free enterprise. I fully suscribe to the belief that a business establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone (including me) at any time for any reason, except in cases of violation of someone elses civil rights.) But if I have a CCW permit from my state, and I take a gun into one of this places that are not mentioned in my states law but who say no guns allowed anyway, and they find out about it, have I actually broken a LAW?