No gun registration in Louisiana or Texas

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New member
I had this discussion a few years ago in Louisiana with a few people and could not convince any of them. I used to sell guns in the early 90s so I knew but these guys insisted. I even told them to call law enforcement but they wouldn't and instead insisted I was wrong. I told them they were filling out a form 4473 which is a federal form but they wouldn't believe me. I even named states that had registration like California and New York. I could not believe that they thought they knew better than me after I used to be licensed to sell. I was rowing against the flow.
I forgot to say that while in Texas a police officer even mentioned to me that Texas had no gun registration. I don't even remember what the conversation was about but it came up.
Sounds like frustration about knowing an answer and others refusing to believe him. Happens all the time on line. Best to just let it go but I do understand the need to vent a bit now and then.

Wag said:
Sounds like frustration about knowing an answer and others refusing to believe him.
I agree, but Linker didn't tell us what people don't believe him about. It appears that he's talking about people who believe that gun registration exists in places where it doesn't -- but he didn't come out and say that.
It was frustration on having them not believe me. Have any of you experienced this at times when you were telling the truth. The title says "No gun registration in Louisiana or Texas". Yes I was venting. Wag seems to get it.
It was frustration on having them not believe me. Have any of you experienced this at times when you were telling the truth. The title says "No gun registration in Louisiana or Texas". Yes I was venting. Wag seems to get it.

Why do you care if they believe you.
It was frustration on having them not believe me. Have any of you experienced this at times when you were telling the truth. The title says "No gun registration in Louisiana or Texas". Yes I was venting. Wag seems to get it.
That behavior makes me take anything that "they" say I on a topic I am not familiar with as being questionable at best.
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