No Gas Masks for Civilians?

Bill Hebert

New member
I had the Ken Hamblin Radio Show on yesterday and if I heard right there is some sort of State Department directive which prohibits any sale of gas masks to U.S. citizens. Is this true? Can anyone point to the source of this info? (a web site where I can read the directive, etc.) Excuse my suspicousness, but I'm one of those wackos who actually read what a proposed bill says rather than acepting what is said about a proposed bill. If it is true, why in the world would the U.S. government not want civilians to have access to gas masks?
I was listening to the Michael Reagan show a couple weeks ago. I tuned in while Mike was ending a conversation with someone who's name I never found out. Apparently they were wrapping up on this topic. But what I got from the small snippet that I did hear was that apparently the SD or somebody had or will soon reclassify gas masks as "implements of war", and that access to U.S. citizens will be restricted.

Well, FWIW, that's all I know. Please, if anyone can verify/expand on/debunk what I said, that would be great. Like I said, I came in at the very end of the conversation on the Mike Reagan show, and only picked up an inkling of what they were talking about. My interpretation/understanding may very well be off.

Just in case, though, the next day I ordered masks and extra filters for me and my wife.

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited July 16, 1999).]
First, we know nothing about this.
Second, the State Department has no authority upon the domestic US...thus a SD directive has no influence or authority on civilians within the borders of the US.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I also heard Ken Hamblin's show last night. This morning I did a HOTBOT search on gas masks and found a few sites that appeared to be selling them. I dunno.

Assuming that there is in fact some sort of civilian sale ban gives me a stomach knot.

[This message has been edited by Chuck B. (edited July 16, 1999).]
Found this...

It was a call in to the radio show:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Dear Ken Hamblin, The "Free Press" is the 4th branch of
government. The 5th branch of government,(the
unelected bureaucracy) is hard at work. Did you know
that surplus military goods importation is being
"curtailed"?! The ATF and State Dept. have banned the
importation of West German Army surplus goods, such
as gas masks. These items are now classified as "WAR
ARTICLES". The liberals are attempting to remove all
means of defense by the people. Body armor and flak
jackets are next.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Gas masks usually do not work against true gasses or vapors but with crystillane gasses
like cs-sn-smoke. They usually don't work against vapors like chlorine.
Gas masks don't age or store well. The rubber used in their production breaks down within several years and becomes porous to gases.

The so called Israeli Gas masks being sold as surplus are really expired masks that have been disgarded and replaced by the Israeli government.

If you buy one, then buy a new one. If you buy a gas mask, then buy the chemical exposure suit. If you have no certainty of evacuation from dangerous exposure, then don't waste your money. You'll die the next day when your filter wears out.
No Gas Masks for Civilians? Thats just not right. My friends should have access to gas masks.
Last time I check, my gas to listed as a weapon of mass destruction.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I don't know how they would compare as far as the degree of protection provided, but industrial/lab respirators might be a viable option to surplus military gas masks of questionable efficiency, for those who really think they need one.
After reading the book by Richard Preston, called, The Cobra Event, I have taken on a new zeal for the necessity for gas masks (and chemical hoods and chemical suits).

Actually as I read The Cobra Event, I wondered how I could continue my daily routine without wearing something over my breathing orifices that could prevent respiratory ingestion of some manufactured virus or gas dispersed into the air above my workplace or neighborhood. The book opened my eyes to the reality of biological terrorism and warfare, as it should you.

When considering all of the potential threats today from domestic or foreign tyrants/terrorists, one can't ignore the use of bio-weapons as their number one choice. If one thinks realistically about the population reduction strategies contemplated by NWO strategists (who BTW suggest a reduction of humans in the billions), one can only conclude the use of manufactured bio-weapons to be most effective. Using such weapons, these terrorists could effectively reduce huge populations in specific locations without damaging property, crops, or water supplies. Retaining automated manufacturing facilities, infrasctructure, roadways, and housing, while simultaneously reducing the population to a fraction of its current level. The threat of nuclear war becomes laughable at best, because of the destruction of assets involved.

If you are hearing that our government is restricting the sale of gas masks and or related "war articles", buy them up as fast as you can. There is a sinister reason for having an unprotected public...some call it genocide.

In addition, watch closely for outbreaks of unusal viruses, common colds, and/or flus, or a combo thereof. You will see a pattern with these which can only equate to bio-weapon tests. Last Spring here in the midwest, we had an outbreak of a strange virus that included symptoms of strep A, the common cold, and necro-facisis (the dreaded flesh eating disease). Now tell me that such a virus with that combo exists naturally. The scarey part is that the cases spread with the prevailing winds (from the NW) toward the metropolis. You say that's The Cobra Event!
Instead of looking at the military side of vapor protection, I recently was issued a 3M brand mask with full facial protection to work around the cyanide at my minesite. Are these types of masks as effective as the military ones? I imagine that they would be since they are required by OSHA, MSHA and Cal-OSHA.
I think it would be crazy to prohibit gas masks from civilians since most probable use would be in case of a chemical factory accident etc. Most people don't have gas masks, and most probably don't need them, but if someone wants to minimize all lifethreatening risks a gas mask could be needed, but not in the top of list. For example more than one fire alarms in your home come first.

I have seen photos of people who died in Iraqi gas (Sarine) attacks against it's own Kurdish population and they look terrible. Besides a gas mask special suit is also needed, but also thick "normal" clothing can be of some temporary help if you go stright away from the contaminated area (sideways compared to the wind), and as soon as you are in a safe area wash yourself completely and dump all your contaminated clothes (better naked than dead). A big part of the damage many gases make goes thru the skin, not just thru respiration so all the gas stuck to the skin thru the clothes must be washed away as soon as possible. Anyway, even if contaminated skin has been quickly washed it can take weeks in hospital to cure, but you live. The other possibility, panicking and running around in the gas cloud, is fatal.

For what it's worth. I have heard that at this time the general public is not supposed to own/have 'military gas masks but can still have the non military ones. Which makes more sense to me than a outright ban but I would not be surprised to find out they want to ban them all.

If you are thinking of getting one then get a NEW one only. They are not cheap though. If you're going to spend the money then make sure you get a NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) mask with lots of filters. One place I know of is........

As far as if they will outlaw them, consider this. The military MRE's we used to get, are no longer to be sold to the public. The only ones you will find these days will be the old green packaged one (I think they are to old to eat) or new ones that say something along the lines of "made to the same standards as military MRE's" and are in light tan packages. The new military MRE's now say something like "not to be sold to the public" on them.

Sorry, got a little off topic.

Anyway, check out the above link if your interested. They have a good FAQ and a lot of information on the site.

OK, So that brings up another question- why can't civilians have MRE's. What the heck is going on? Next civilians will be banned from wearing military raincoats?
My understanding was that "military" MREs had some 3,000 calories/day to provide energy for combat. This was considered to be too much for civilian use so MREs of lower calorie content were created - somewhere around 2,000 calories/day.

I have NO idea whether this is fact or not!! Anybody else know what differences (if any) apply?
Heard from my army-navy surplus supplier that a large quantity of MRE's were stolen from the government, something like 90,000 units. There may be some sort of investigation going on to recover them, hence the banning of civilian sales.
gas masks are readily available throught industrial supply/ safety supply stores. There are several models and those that use filters have different filters rated to filter different gasses / particulate matter.
We probably have more reason to worry about our own chemical industry having accidents than about terrorists. Yesterday, I along with all other non safety personnel were evacuated from a chemical plant for 4 hours until the people with masks and probes said it was ok to come back to work. The plant was evacuated but were neighbors notified??? This happens every year that a plant has a chemical spill or a railroad car gets ruptured in a derailment. We should investigate what factory / railroad is within 5 miles of us. This aside from making us parinoid would help us decide what type of gas mask filters to buy.
I heard this a year and half back.One of the very major surplus dealers offered current U.S.military gas masks for sale through its stores and catalogue.The military had never surplused any of these masks;therefore they all had to be stolen.Serious charges laid against owners of company.I haven't received any of their catalogues since then.Seems possible,the fellow I heard it from is also in the business.