No 4 Mk 1 Windage Adjustment


New member
I took my .303 Enfield to the range yesterday and when firing groups at 100 yds, POA was very high right. Since mine has the later 300/600 flip sights, I expect it to be a bit off at 100 but I need to find a way to move POI to the left about 6 inches. Looking at the front sight, it appears I need some type slotted tool to loosen the front sight for adjustment.

Any suggestions on where to pick one up or any substitutes I could use?

Try a strong, well made tire valve tool from your local auto parts store.
Don't get the buck 380 alloy rubbish, spring for something durable made from steel.
Failing that you can make one with a suitable sized spare hex key & a Dremel to cut the slot.
you should just need to use a hammer and punch to drift the front sight to the right...

then again my NO4 is perfect and I have never had to adjust the sights. with mine the 300 peep hits about 8-10 inches high while the 600 hits about 16 inches high, I always just hold low on the target.
There are many different front site available of differing heights for your rifle. Gun Parts has them. You can also file the front sight. For windage you can use a sight adjusting tool or like the other poster said, with a drift.

Remember when adjusting the front site you must move the front sight in the opposite direction you want your shots to go.
Thanks guys, I am aware it should hit high at 100 and don't want to mess with elevation (yet), I'll save that for when I move out to 300. The windage will have to be corrected before that though so thanks for the tips. I have some cheap screw drivers I can experiment with.

BTW, groups were approx 2" with South African Ball ammo.
I use a 3/16 allen tip for a magnetic driver. I cut a slot with a narrow cutoff wheel in a Dremel tool. This well remove the most stubborn front sight screw with out breaking.

groups were approx 2" with South African Ball ammo.

Good group, even for SA 7.7mm.
Please be aware there are (at least) 2 different front sight setups for the Lee Enfield.
If you have the type with the reverse screw then you need to losten the screw, not just smash it with a hammer.
If you have the friction with no screw type then tap with a drift if you must, but a sight pusher is much better.

Hammer, good!................. Mongo like hammer!:eek:
I'm with wogpotter - invest in a sight drifter (if your rifle is the sort to need one). It should be possible to find them online - I bought one a while ago for SMLEs, which came as a parcel with a bunch of other useful armourers' tools. You can do the adjustments a lot more precisely without the hit-and-miss of hammer and drifter. I've tried that way, and I'm still not convinced I didn't knock something out of true. :(
You will need to find a taller front sight.

But have you tried shooting the thing with a bayonet fixed? I recall there was a difference in elevation with the bayonet fixed.