NMLRA Pistol Line


New member
I've been enjoying the competitive sport of muzzleloading pistol shooting since 2013. I would like to enjoy many more years to come but the NMLRA is down in members across all disciplines not just pistol. I'm here to ask if any of you that enjoy muzzleloading pistol have a competitive streak in you? If you're not a member of the NMLRA yet please call and ask questions or ask me! Please look into joining. And please pistol shooters please - think about visiting the pistol line at Friendship. We'd love to have you. There are matches for all kinds of pistols. Traditional, international, open/unlimited, bench rest, new is an own top revolver match, and more. We need more involvement. It's a growing concern. Young, old, men or women, there's something for you and your pistols at Friendship.
I hate to say it, but it seems like some of those "old white guys" are finally dying out. It's not a surprise that their numbers are dwindling.

Is Friendship the only place in the whole country where you can compete?

Also, is there an event where single-shot pistols are used? I know cap and ball revolvers are what most people compete with, but I like single shot pistols myself. Thanks!
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Revolvers are only part of it! The National Championship match held in September is a three gun event using a single shot percussion, single shot flint, and percussion revolver totaling a grand aggregate match of 1000 points. Friendship isn't the only place to shoot but it is THE Mecca of black powder. There are territorial matches all over the country. Being a member of the NMLRA you would receive their monthly journal "Muzzle Blasts" with the match listings in it. There are also postal matches.
Well.. Im only half white... And at 48 am on the pretty low end of "old" LOL.

I am pretty beat up and somewhat disabled, but a few more surgeries COULD fix some of that... We'll see one day I guess.

Anyway.. I have considered competition... Unfortunately, there is NOTHING near me that Im aware of, and travel just isnt in the cards at the moment. Maybe one day.

I would really like to see the sport pick up and maybe branch out this way... Even considered building something up when I get my land (hopefully this year), just not sure I'll be able to buy anything that big...

Still... Its something I hope to get into one day.
Revolvers are only part of it! The National Championship match held in September is a three gun event using a single shot percussion, single shot flint, and percussion revolver totaling a grand aggregate match of 1000 points. Friendship isn't the only place to shoot but it is THE Mecca of black powder. There are territorial matches all over the country. Being a member of the NMLRA you would receive their monthly journal "Muzzle Blasts" with the match listings in it. There are also postal matches.

So you have to have all three to compete?

I've got two percussion pistols, one an original 1849 dated Aston horse pistol and they other a modern Pedersoli reproduction of the M1805 Harpers Ferry pistol. Both smoothbore.

Thanks for answering questions! It does sound like a fun thing. Also, I'm in Kansas. Any shoot relatively close to me?
To earn a classification yes you'd have to shoot all three. But you could remain a temporary master and shoot what ever you wanted. Many people start out shooting what's affordable or available like reproduction guns from cabela's or Uberti or Pietta. And they might just have the one gun and do that and later on aquire more. I don't known what's near you. I'd have to look it up. If you have any interest you should visit the NMLRA website. And I'll check muzzle blasts on a territorial or a rondevous near you.
Up until 20 years ago or so, there were muzzle loading clubs just about everywhere.
Wha' happened to them all?
Probably it's the new type of shooters, popularly called Gun Owners 2.0, who only know of modern guns.
They are very little interested in competition in general, let alone muzzle loaders.
Those who are far more are likely to seek out an IDPA match.
When I take my last remaining muzzle loader to the range, there's plenty of interest in watching, but rarely any takers for shooting it.
They enjoy seeing the flame and smoke but want no part in trying it.
Like always, the world keeps spinning and moving on.

I was once a member but got side tracked with 3D archery.
More fun with a possible practical side.
Does the National Muzzle Loader organization have anything comparable?
3D archery is going as strong as ever.
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Yeah....what a shock it will be when Mod12 finds himself 'an old white-haired guy' ( and having much hair turns out to be optional ! :D ) Guess what....'those guys' will turn into 'us' before you know it. And that's if you're lucky. :D
I don't know a Randy Wakeman. It's not just for old guys people! We have s junior, and sub junior division, and a women's championship. Some of the guys are in their 40's or 50's. Heck I'm 27! It's a shooting sport all about marksmanship. If you care for the shooting sports at all wouldn't you want to help preserve the ones we have left?
I hate to say it, but it seems like some of those "old white guys" are finally dying out. It's not a surprise that their numbers are dwindling.

Not necessarily at all. It takes time for members of the tacticool crowd, which includes new gunnies introduced to the sport via video games, to start thinking beyond the tacticool world and take up more challenging and traditional forms of shooting. It eventually happens, just like how many sports bike SQUIDS start riding Harleys and trade in their nylon racing tights for leather and fringe. Movies like The Revenant usually helps bring in a lot of new members to muzzleloader shooting and traditional hunting.

As for me I am a 28 year old Chinese warehouse worker who have been shooting black powder since I was 10 years old:)
Sorry to offend all. I didn't mean any in particular, and no I DON"T want any of them to die. They tend to be cool and knowledgeable.

I'm just saying that that's most of who you'll find on the BP circuit, in all organizations. The Civil War reenactors are having the same problem, just not enough young people interested in it.

More needs to be done to bring younger people into the black powder sports. That's all I'm saying, you can kiss off into the air if you think I actually want fellow shooters to die. Hell no I don't.
Rookie21 said:
I don't know a Randy Wakeman. It's not just for old guys people! We have s junior, and sub junior division, and a women's championship. Some of the guys are in their 40's or 50's. Heck I'm 27! It's a shooting sport all about marksmanship. If you care for the shooting sports at all wouldn't you want to help preserve the ones we have left?

So you being a 27yo does that put you in the junior or sub-junior shooting class? :D:eek::D

Next time I find myself in Indiana, I'll have to check out one of these shoots. Looks interesting.

I'm 41 and just getting into BP - could be a sign of old age...
No no no not old age Drobs. Just that you've seen the light and come to find the shooting sport with the most fun. Big boom, lost of smoke, and affordable ammunition. In September the big 1000 point NMLRA National Championship Match will be going on. If you're not a member of the NMLRA please think about joining. And come see us in September.

And ha, ha. No. Not a junior shooter. :D